HB 204-SALMON & HERRING PRODUCT DEV'T TAX CREDIT  CHAIR SEATON announced that the first order of business would be SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 204, "An Act relating to a product development tax credit for certain salmon and herring products; and providing for an effective date." 10:17:33 AM REPRESENTATIVE ALAN AUSTERMAN, Alaska State Legislature, as prime sponsor, offered to take any questions on SSHB 204. 10:18:13 AM JOHN "VINCE" O'SHEA, Lobbyist, Pacific Seafood Processors Association, stated support for SSHB 204, on behalf of the association which he represents, and urged passage of the bill. CHAIR SEATON closed public testimony. 10:19:24 AM CHAIR SEATON summarized the points of the bill, which were questioned in previous hearings. The consideration of a shore- based plant or vessel oriented is limited to state water fisheries; basically salmon and herring. Regarding freezing apparatus, the equipment would need to be used predominately in value added production; defined in Alaska Department of Fish & Game regulation as levels greater than 50 percent. 10:21:07 AM REPRESENTATIVE FEIGE moved to report SSHB 204 out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection, SSHB 204 was moved from the House Special Committee on Fisheries.