SENATE BILL NO. 289 "An Act relating to runaway minors and their families or legal custodians." ROBIN RANDALL, FAIRBANKS testified via the teleconference network. She expressed concern that the legislation remain strong. She read a letter to the Committee (copy on file). She emphasized that children run away from good homes. She maintained that getting tough and attaching consequences to running away is effective. AL NEAR, FAIRBANKS testified via the teleconference network. He maintained that the House Judiciary Committee version has weakened the legislation. He stressed that the legislation is not about abused, homeless or neglected children that voluntary walk into youth shelters. He asserted that the legislation is about the growing number of rebellious teenagers that exploit weakness in the existing laws to manipulate to the system to evade authority. He stressed that the revolving door policy must be ended. He spoke in support of the Senate version of SB 289. He emphasized the need for early intervention. SB 289 was HELD in Committee for further consideration.