Legislature(2009 - 2010)BELTZ 211

03/16/2009 08:00 AM Senate EDUCATION

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08:06:03 AM Start
08:07:09 AM SB109
09:02:21 AM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Heard & Held
Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled
                    ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                                  
              SENATE EDUCATION STANDING COMMITTEE                                                                             
                         March 16, 2009                                                                                         
                           8:06 a.m.                                                                                            
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Senator Bettye Davis, Vice Chair                                                                                                
Senator Donald Olson                                                                                                            
Senator Gary Stevens                                                                                                            
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
Senator Kim Elton, Chair                                                                                                        
Senator Charlie Huggins                                                                                                         
COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                                                                            
SENATE BILL NO. 109                                                                                                             
"An Act repealing the secondary student competency examination                                                                  
and related requirements; and providing for an effective date."                                                                 
     HEARD AND HELD                                                                                                             
PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION                                                                                                     
BILL: SB 109                                                                                                                  
SHORT TITLE: REPEAL SECONDARY SCHOOL EXIT EXAM                                                                                  
SPONSOR(s): SENATOR(s) DAVIS                                                                                                    
02/17/09       (S)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
02/17/09       (S)       EDC, CRA, FIN                                                                                          
03/16/09       (S)       EDC AT 8:00 AM BELTZ 211                                                                               
WITNESS REGISTER                                                                                                              
TOM OBERMEYER, staff to Senator Davis                                                                                           
Alaska State Legislature                                                                                                        
Juneau, AK                                                                                                                      
POSITION STATEMENT: Commented on SB 109 for the sponsor.                                                                      
EDDY JEANS, Director                                                                                                            
School Finance and Facilities Section                                                                                           
Department of Education and Early Development (DEED)                                                                            
POSITION STATEMENT: Answered questions on SB 109.                                                                             
ERIC MCCORMICK, Director                                                                                                        
Assessment, Accountability and Information Management                                                                           
Department of Education and Early Development (DEED)                                                                            
POSITION STATEMENT: Commented on SB 109.                                                                                      
LYDIA GARCIA, Executive Director                                                                                                
National Education Association Alaska (NEA)                                                                                     
POSITION STATEMENT: Supported SB 109.                                                                                         
ACTION NARRATIVE                                                                                                              
8:06:03 AM                                                                                                                    
VICE CHAIR BETTYE DAVIS called the Senate Education Standing                                                                  
Committee meeting to order at 8:06 a.m. Present at the call to                                                                  
order were Senators Olson, Stevens and Davis.                                                                                   
            SB 109-REPEAL SECONDARY SCHOOL EXIT EXAM                                                                        
8:07:09 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR DAVIS announced consideration of SB 109. She said this                                                                    
bill was requested by the Board of Education because it wanted                                                                  
the legislature to reconsider the usefulness of this test.                                                                      
TOM OBERMEYER, staff to Senator Davis, sponsor of SB 109,                                                                       
explained the bill as follows:                                                                                                  
     SB 109  repeals the secondary student  competency exam,                                                                    
     also  known as  the High  School Graduation  Qualifying                                                                    
     Exam (HSGQE)  or "Exit" exam.  The HSGQE  was initiated                                                                    
     in 2001  and became fully effective  in 2004, following                                                                    
     the trend  for more  assessment in  the "No  Child Left                                                                    
     Behind  Act" of  2001.   It was  never  clear that  the                                                                    
     HSGQE  would improve  performance  and measure  whether                                                                    
     students  would be  better prepared  for college,  much                                                                    
     less   determine   conclusively  that   students   were                                                                    
     receiving diplomas  but lacking basic skills.  The Exit                                                                    
     Exam has become a "high  stakes" hurtle that has harmed                                                                    
     many  students in  Alaska  while  exacerbating a  court                                                                    
     finding in 2007 that  the State was violating students'                                                                    
     constitutional   rights   to   an   education   without                                                                    
     providing proper assistance  and direction. (See Moore,                                                                    
     et al. v. State of Alaska, 3AN04-9756).                                                                                    
     It  may be  argued that  the  state does  not need  the                                                                    
     HSGQE, and  the state and all  school districts already                                                                    
     require  many  assessment  tests to  determine  student                                                                    
     progress and competency.   At the same time  there is a                                                                    
     trend away  from exit exams.   The Center  on Education                                                                    
     Policy  (CEP) report  in August  of 2008  reported that                                                                    
     most  states  are  moving  toward  end-of-course  exams                                                                    
     which  assess mastery  of content  of  a specific  high                                                                    
     school  course  in  lieu of  exit  exams.  The  current                                                                    
     Alaska HSGQE  reportedly has been changed  by the Board                                                                    
     of   Education  and   made  less   difficult  than   at                                                                    
     inception.  As  a result, the exam  has become somewhat                                                                    
     redundant,    time-consuming,    and    expensive    to                                                                    
     administer. To  save time  and money  beginning in  the                                                                    
     spring  of 2006  sophomores took  a test  that combined                                                                    
     the  HSGQE  with  a standards-based  reading  and  math                                                                    
     assessment test  required by the federal  No Child Left                                                                    
     Behind Act (NCLB). Although the  students took only one                                                                    
     exam, some questions accounted for  one or the other or                                                                    
     both exams  to satisfy state requirements.  I refer you                                                                    
     to  a legislative  report in  06.233 in  2006, "History                                                                    
     Results  In   Cost  of   the  High   School  Graduation                                                                    
     Qualifying  Exam." The  exam  reportedly has  detracted                                                                    
     from  the standard  curriculum  and  also has  promoted                                                                    
     "teaching to the test."                                                                                                    
     The  department  reported  in   2007  that  over  1,100                                                                    
     students statewide failed to  pass the HSGQE after five                                                                    
     opportunities,   while  8,524   passed.   (See   Moore,                                                                    
     [supra, exhibit 2514, p. 13  of 58,] "Findings of Fact,                                                                    
     Conclusions  of  Law".)   These  numbers  excluded  all                                                                    
     students who had dropped out  or transferred to another                                                                    
     school   before   passing.  The    court,   in   Moore,                                                                    
     determined   that   the   State   was   violating   the                                                                    
     substantive due  process rights of students  by denying                                                                    
     high  school   diplomas  to  students   in  chronically                                                                    
     underperforming    school   districts. Students    were                                                                    
     failing  the High  School  Graduation Qualifying  Exam,                                                                    
     while the  state was failing to  provide the oversight,                                                                    
     assistance and direction with  clear standards to guide                                                                    
     districts  attempting to  meet content  and performance                                                                    
     As a  result, the court  concluded that  the Department                                                                    
     was ultimately failing to "maintain  a system of public                                                                    
     schools"  as required  under  the Alaska  Constitution,                                                                    
     Article VII,  Section 1. Finding insufficient  proof of                                                                    
     compliance with  its 2007  order, the court,  in Moore,                                                                    
     on February  4, 2009,  gave the  department 60  days to                                                                    
     establish  compliance  with its  constitutional  duties                                                                    
     and   to  file   with  the   court  'revised   district                                                                    
     intervention  plans  that  address and  incorporate  as                                                                    
     appropriate remedial  measures related  to each  of the                                                                    
     problem areas identified in these Findings.'                                                                               
     Alaska's experience with the  high school exit exams is                                                                    
     not new  but it's widespread. Fearful that  hundreds of                                                                    
     thousands of students  would be left behind  by one set                                                                    
     of standardized,  time-pressured tests in New  York, an                                                                    
     article appeared  in the New York  Times headed 'Albany                                                                    
     Legislators  Seek  to  Dilute  New  Tougher  Graduation                                                                    
     Exams.' It was  stated in the article  that "an unusual                                                                    
     bi-partisan   coalition   of  state   lawmakers   whose                                                                    
     constituents  range   from  inner  city   residents  to                                                                    
     affluent suburbanites is pushing  the scale back of new                                                                    
     more stringent  graduation requirements for  nearly all                                                                    
     public  high  school  students" (New  York  Times,  May                                                                    
     The  Center  on  Education  Policy  (CEP)  reported  in                                                                    
     August,  2008, that  in the  2007-2008  school year  23                                                                    
     states required  students to take  and pass  exit exams                                                                    
     to receive a high school  diploma.  Three more states -                                                                    
     Arkansas,   Maryland,  and   Oklahoma   -  will   begin                                                                    
     withholding  diplomas   within  the  next   few  years,                                                                    
     leading to a  total of 26 states with  such policies by                                                                    
     2012.  Additionally,   Connecticut,  Pennsylvania,  and                                                                    
     Oregon  are  considering  exit exams,  but  Oregon  and                                                                    
     Pennsylvania are opting to  use multiple measures.  The                                                                    
     CEP  reported that  68 percent  of the  nation's public                                                                    
     high  school students  attend school  in the  23 states                                                                    
     with  such policies. By  2012 approximately  75 percent                                                                    
     of  the nation's  public high  school students  will be                                                                    
     affected, including  84 percent of low  income students                                                                    
     and students of color.                                                                                                     
     The Center on Education  Policy recommends more funding                                                                    
     should  be  allocated  to   research  aimed  at  better                                                                    
     understanding  the impact  of  exit exams,  considering                                                                    
     the vast number of  students affected by state-mandated                                                                    
     high  school exit  exams.  State  governments, the  CEP                                                                    
     reports,  should   move  immediately  to   collect  and                                                                    
     release data  on final passage  rates on these  and the                                                                    
     rate   of   students   using   alternative   paths   to                                                                    
     graduation.   As  they   implement  more  end-of-course                                                                    
     exams, the CEP recommends  that states address the need                                                                    
     for greater  rigor in  the content  of their  exams and                                                                    
     provide  for   greater  coordination  of   high  school                                                                    
     requirements   with  college   preparedness  and   work                                                                    
     readiness  demands.  While  dropping  the  high  school                                                                    
     graduation qualifying  exam does not  remedy underlying                                                                    
     problems   in    delivering   quality    education   in                                                                    
     underperforming districts  already identified  by other                                                                    
     assessments,  it does  remove the  risk that  a student                                                                    
     can be denied a diploma  after 12 years of education by                                                                    
     one  exam.  Eliminating   the  high  school  graduation                                                                    
     qualifying  exam may  also encourage  youth to  stay in                                                                    
     school  long enough  to get  a diploma  and reduce  the                                                                    
     dropout  rate.  After   complying  with  court  ordered                                                                    
     requirements   in  Moore,   and   perhaps  after   more                                                                    
     experience   with   other  ongoing   assessments,   the                                                                    
     department and Board of  Education may better determine                                                                    
     whether  an   exit  exam  or  High   School  Graduation                                                                    
     Qualifying Exam is in the  best interests of the state,                                                                    
     recognizing  that more  states seem  to be  moving away                                                                    
     from exit exams toward end of course exams.                                                                                
8:15:05 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR  STEVENS asked  Mr. Obermeyer  if he  is saying  that the                                                               
exit exam is so onerous that  it should be eliminated. He thought                                                               
the idea was to improve things.                                                                                                 
CHAIR DAVIS  pointed out that  the Board of Education  asked that                                                               
the exit exam be reviewed.                                                                                                      
MR. OBERMEYER  added that the need  for the exam has  always been                                                               
questionable.  This exam  is now  combined with  portions of  the                                                               
NCLB test  for sophomores  in 10   grade.  It denies  diplomas to                                                               
some students,  particularly those in  underperforming districts,                                                               
but  most  students get  through  it.  About  95 percent  of  the                                                               
students in Anchorage who had  sufficient credits to graduate did                                                               
pass the  exit exam. It  tends to be  what is called  a high-risk                                                               
stakes exam  that can deny  someone a  diploma after 12  years of                                                               
satisfactory performance in school. In  the Moore case, the judge                                                               
said  that if  the state  is going  to use  tests like  this, the                                                               
department needs to  give some direction and  assistance to those                                                               
districts so  they can comply  with the content and  standards in                                                               
the  curriculum.  The court  felt  that  wasn't being  done,  and                                                               
further that  it violates the  Alaska Constitution. So,  he said,                                                               
the  Moore case  is directly  tied to  the exit  exam and  to the                                                               
performance of the educational system  in Alaska as a whole. That                                                               
is why it was brought forward at this time.                                                                                     
8:19:16 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR STEVENS asked  if the problem is that  students are being                                                               
denied a  diploma based  on the  results of  this test  but added                                                               
that Mr. Obermeyer surely wasn't  suggesting they give everyone a                                                               
diploma just because they "stayed around" for 12 years.                                                                         
MR. OBERMEYER explained that students tend  to drop out at age 16                                                               
after failing this  test when, if they had stayed,  they could be                                                               
helped and  encouraged to catch  up. Also, the CEP  suggests that                                                               
end-of-course exams  are more  relevant and  show that  kids have                                                               
mastered the area they are studying.                                                                                            
8:21:51 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR STEVENS asked how the Moore  case implies in any way that                                                               
the exit exam violates students' constitutional rights.                                                                         
8:22:18 AM                                                                                                                    
MR.  OBERMEYER explained  that substantive  due process  requires                                                               
giving sufficient notice. So, it  could be implied that by school                                                               
districts  not giving  enough information  to  their students  to                                                               
pass the test,  they are violating their  substantive due process                                                               
rights.  The  court  also found  insufficient  oversight  of  the                                                               
districts  in   providing  that   evaluation.  He   directed  the                                                               
committee to the appropriate sections  of the Moore case relating                                                               
to this specific issue on  pages 11-13 and 46-58. The conclusions                                                               
portion said:                                                                                                                   
     The  department was  not fulfilling  its constitutional                                                                    
     oversight      responsibility       in      chronically                                                                    
     underperforming districts and  schools, and ordered the                                                                    
     department  to  take   adequate  remedial  measures  to                                                                    
     establish compliance. The state  asked the court now to                                                                    
     find that  the deficiencies identified in  '07 had been                                                                    
     cured and that  this court should accept  the system as                                                                    
     compliant with the education clause.                                                                                       
Further, he  said, the  plaintiffs asked the  court to  find that                                                               
the state  court intervention efforts  failed to comply  with the                                                               
requirements of  the court's 2007  order and that  the department                                                               
continues  to be  out  of compliance  with  the oversight  duties                                                               
imposed by the  education clause of the  Alaska Constitution. The                                                               
court agreed.                                                                                                                   
CHAIR  DAVIS  summarized  that some  students  are  being  denied                                                               
diplomas  because they  have failed  this exam.  She said  it was                                                               
time to review the  cost of giving this test and  to find out the                                                               
extent of the existing contract.                                                                                                
8:27:02 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR   OLSON  asked   Mr.  Obermeyer   the  trends   regarding                                                               
percentage  of passage  and failure  of  this test  since it  was                                                               
initially implemented.                                                                                                          
MR. OBERMEYER suggested that the  department might be better able                                                               
to answer this question.                                                                                                        
8:28:20 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR OLSON asked  if not passing the exit exam  had an adverse                                                               
affect on children continuing on to college.                                                                                    
MR. OBERMEYER said  the chances of a student who  didn't pass the                                                               
exit exam going to college are next to none.                                                                                    
CHAIR DAVIS said if a student  gets through high school without a                                                               
diploma, he can't get into college.                                                                                             
SENATOR OLSON  asked if  that applies  to vocational  schools, as                                                               
MR. OBERMEYER answered that he didn't  know for sure, but the CEP                                                               
said there  may be  alternative routes to  a high  school diploma                                                               
that he didn't think the state had examined.                                                                                    
8:29:40 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR OLSON asked  if students can take the GED  if they didn't                                                               
pass the exit exam.                                                                                                             
MR. OBERMEYER said he believed so.                                                                                              
SENATOR  OLSON asked  how the  degree of  difficulty of  the exit                                                               
exam compares to the difficulty of the GED exam.                                                                                
MR.  OBERMEYER replied  that he  has heard  anecdotally that  the                                                               
exit exam  isn't very  difficult; it  is first given  in the  10                                                                
grade,  but  many of  kids  get  discouraged from  graduating  by                                                               
failing it at that time, and then they drop through the cracks.                                                                 
SENATOR OLSON  said that  employers look at  someone with  a high                                                               
school  diploma  and  assume  that the  student  has  some  basic                                                               
skills, and a student who doesn't  pass the test won't have those                                                               
MR.  OBERMEYER   responded  that  employers  like   Alyeska,  for                                                               
instance, have tests that they  give to people before hiring them                                                               
without having to rely on the exit exam.                                                                                        
8:33:50 AM                                                                                                                    
EDDY  JEANS, Director,  School  Finance  and Facilities  Section,                                                               
Department of  Education and Early  Development (DEED),  said the                                                               
exit exam concept was brought up  first by Senator Bunde with the                                                               
intent of being  a minimum competency exam to  help employers see                                                               
that  students coming  out of  the public  school system  had the                                                               
basic skills in reading, writing  and math. It was never intended                                                               
to measure whether a child is ready to go on to college.                                                                        
CHAIR DAVIS asked  him to give them more information  on the test                                                               
- its success and where they are at this point statewide.                                                                       
8:35:40 AM                                                                                                                    
ERIC   MCCORMICK,   Director,  Assessment,   Accountability   and                                                               
Information  Management,   Department  of  Education   and  Early                                                               
Development (DEED),  said that  in tracking  seniors who  are not                                                               
graduating  or  are continuing  because  they  don't have  enough                                                               
credits or because they haven't  passed the test, they found from                                                               
the time they take  it in the 10th grade to when  they take it in                                                               
the  12th grade,  about 89  percent pass.  He found  that out  of                                                               
1,500 seniors  in 2008 who  did not get diplomas  after finishing                                                               
the school year, 69 percent passed  all three parts of the HSGQE.                                                               
This does not include those who dropped  out as a 9,  10   or 11                                                                
grader. He said the department is  just now starting to work with                                                               
the Department  of Labor to  track how  many of the  students who                                                               
don't get their diplomas do go on to get a GED.                                                                                 
8:38:18 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR STEVENS  asked what his  recommendation is  regarding the                                                               
MR.  MCCORMICK  said  he is  new  to  this  job  and that  he  is                                                               
interested in  looking at alternative  routes to  graduation, but                                                               
at this point he is just gathering information.                                                                                 
CHAIR  DAVIS  asked  what  he means  by  "alternative  routes  to                                                               
graduation." Is  it for  all students  or just  special education                                                               
MR. MCCORMICK  replied that  they use  CEP extensively  for their                                                               
research,  and most  of the  alternate routes  are geared  toward                                                               
students with  disabilities and to students  with limited English                                                               
proficiency. But  he wanted to  look into alternative  routes for                                                               
general education students; he wasn't aware of any yet.                                                                         
8:39:52 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR STEVENS  asked if  Mr. McCormick sees  any value  in this                                                               
exit exam.                                                                                                                      
MR. MCCORMICK answered  that having a statewide  set of standards                                                               
is important, but he would not commit further.                                                                                  
8:40:27 AM                                                                                                                    
MR. JEANS said the department's  position is that there should be                                                               
some  indicator on  the students'  diplomas  that indicate  their                                                               
level  of  proficiency  whether  it's the  HSGQE  or  some  other                                                               
mechanism. An  example of that  might be moving forward  with the                                                               
"Work  Keys Assessment"  they are  doing  with the  DOLWF -  just                                                               
require districts  to issue the  result of the assessment  on all                                                               
diplomas. Then  employers could  use that  to evaluate  whether a                                                               
student may or may not fit into their workplace.                                                                                
CHAIR  DAVIS asked  what percentage  of the  present test  is the                                                               
exit exam.                                                                                                                      
8:42:20 AM                                                                                                                    
MR. MCCORMICK  did not have  the breakdown of the  questions, but                                                               
for  the 10th  grade, the  test is  split between  the standards-                                                               
based  assessment, which  meets all  of  the NCLB  and the  HSGQE                                                               
requirements.  They have  questions that  are developed  for each                                                               
separately and others that address both.                                                                                        
CHAIR DAVIS  asked if the  standards-based assessment is  what is                                                               
required by NCLB.                                                                                                               
MR. MCCORMICK answered yes.                                                                                                     
8:43:15 AM                                                                                                                    
MR. JEANS added the retake component of the HSGQE  in the 11  and                                                               
12 grades costs about $1.3 million to $1.5 million/year.                                                                        
8:43:55 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR STEVENS  asked Mr.  Jeans what his  position on  the exit                                                               
exam is.                                                                                                                        
MR.  JEANS said  he can't  say  that they  should get  rid of  it                                                               
without a fall back; they are looking at alternatives.                                                                          
SENATOR  STEVENS   asked  when  the  legislature   can  expect  a                                                               
recommendation from the State Board and the department.                                                                         
MR. JEANS  said he will ask  the Board, but it  won't happen this                                                               
CHAIR DAVIS  said she  isn't pushing  for this  to happen  in the                                                               
next month, but  the mandate was given two years  ago and nothing                                                               
has been  done. That is  why this bill  is before them.  She said                                                               
they  still  hadn't gotten  the  information  about the  cost  of                                                               
administration. Also,  she remarked  that even  if 95  percent of                                                               
Anchorage  students  passed and  got  diplomas,  the remaining  5                                                               
percent represents a huge number of children.                                                                                   
8:46:51 AM                                                                                                                    
MR. JEANS answered that the  department just entered a new annual                                                               
contract  with their  assessment  vendor, DRCR.  It has  one-year                                                               
extensions within  it, and they  can be  renewed out to  2016. If                                                               
the legislature repeals  the HSGQE, then they have  the option to                                                               
go back and  renegotiate with them. He didn't know  how much that                                                               
would  save,  because  they  are  looking  at  the  entire  state                                                               
assessment system,  which consists of  grades 3-10. The  HSGQE is                                                               
embedded in  the 10   grade  standardized assessment,  so pulling                                                               
out  the  high  school  qualifying   pieces  while  putting  some                                                               
standards-based assessments pieces back  in would take some work.                                                               
They  were able  to identify  that  the retakes  would cost  $1.3                                                               
million - $1.5 million annually  beginning in 2012 and that could                                                               
be saved.                                                                                                                       
MR. JEANS  continued explaining  that the  estimated cost  of the                                                               
contract  through  2016  is   approximately  $48  million.  Judge                                                               
Gleason  identified the  Yupiit  school  district as  chronically                                                               
underperforming  with below  30 percent  of their  students being                                                               
proficient in reading,  writing and math. In that  case the judge                                                               
said the  state has  an obligation to  change the  environment so                                                               
that students clearly have an  opportunity to learn what is being                                                               
tested. Their  diplomas should  not be held  until the  state can                                                               
demonstrate to the courts that  those children absolutely had the                                                               
opportunity  to learn.  When the  department asked  for oversight                                                               
last  year in  SB 285,  it drew  the line  at 50  percent of  the                                                               
students passing the assessments.                                                                                               
8:51:13 AM                                                                                                                    
He  continued that  the department  has intervened  in all  three                                                               
schools in the  Yupiit district and are seeing  a slight increase                                                               
in performance but not as much as they would like to see.                                                                       
MR.  JEANS  added that  as  Mr.  McCormick  said, 89  percent  of                                                               
students pass the HSGQE within  the 3-year period; the details of                                                               
those figures are available at the department.                                                                                  
8:53:11 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR STEVENS said,  thinking back to his  own graduation, that                                                               
his  diploma just  said pass  or  not; there  were no  qualifying                                                               
things on  it regarding levels  of proficiency. But he  could see                                                               
where  there  might  be  some  value in  indicating  a  level  of                                                               
proficiency and asked for an explanation of the Work Keys.                                                                      
8:53:44 AM                                                                                                                    
MR.  JEANS  explained  that  the   Work  Keys  Assessment  aligns                                                               
reading, math, and  locating information to a  number of specific                                                               
jobs classes so  that a person can see what  level of proficiency                                                               
relates to those types of job.  Taking the test early in the high                                                               
school career gives the school  the opportunity to bring students                                                               
up  to  speed  in  the  needed  areas.  It's  pretty  well  known                                                               
nationwide, but  not so  well in Alaska,  and employers  are just                                                               
now  starting  to  get  used  to it.  The  DOLWD  is  using  this                                                               
assessment in its job centers to help people locate jobs.                                                                       
SENATOR STEVENS  asked how that  differs from an  employer asking                                                               
for the academic record, "And  how much information are you going                                                               
to put on these diplomas, anyway?"                                                                                              
MR. JEANS  answered that  the Work Keys  assess three  areas that                                                               
would be  identified on the diploma.  Individual certificates are                                                               
issued, so you  could have both a diploma and  a certificate. All                                                               
districts will be  required to administer that test to  their 11                                                                
graders next year.                                                                                                              
SENATOR  STEVENS  asked  if transcripts  are  still  provided  to                                                               
employers who want to know the specifics of a student's record.                                                                 
8:57:05 AM                                                                                                                    
MR.  JEANS answered  that students  can ask  for transcripts  and                                                               
provide them  to employers, but  the school district will  not do                                                               
that automatically.                                                                                                             
8:57:38 AM                                                                                                                    
LYDIA GARCIA, Executive  Director, National Education Association                                                               
Alaska (NEA) supported  SB 109. She said the HSGQE  has long been                                                               
viewed  by  her  members  as  a  drain  on  the  public  schools'                                                               
resources. Additionally, this mandate  is remiss by not providing                                                               
any meaningful data  as to whether it is  improving the abilities                                                               
of children in Alaskan schools.  This is the fifth anniversary of                                                               
Noon v. State of Alaska, a  lawsuit that was filed to improve the                                                               
chances of children with disabilities  to receive the instruction                                                               
necessary  to give  them an  opportunity to  pass the  test. They                                                               
heard the Moore case referenced  two years ago when Judge Gleason                                                               
found  that  the  state  was   failing  to  provide  the  correct                                                               
oversight and  assistance to school districts  attempting to meet                                                               
content and performance standards.                                                                                              
One example of the disconnect  between testing and instruction is                                                               
that  in 2004/05,  23 percent  of Alaska's  high schools  did not                                                               
provide  the necessary  instruction for  the geometry  portion of                                                               
the mathematics  tested by  the exit exam.  It doesn't  provide a                                                               
valuable assessment  for vocational  students or people  for whom                                                               
English  is a  second language,  and sophomores  who do  pass the                                                               
test  rebel  against  the  other necessities  of  a  high  school                                                               
education  such  as  credit  accumulation.   She  said  that  NEA                                                               
strongly  opposes high  stakes testing  and  believes that  money                                                               
spent  on these  tests could  be  better spent  in the  classroom                                                               
providing students  with quality instruction. Alaska  already has                                                               
numerous assessment tools available and  the HSGQE has not proven                                                               
itself to be of any value. It  is seen by students and the public                                                               
as  an  achievement, but  it  is  the  achievement of  a  minimum                                                               
standard. "It does not address excellence in any way."                                                                          
9:01:15 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR STEVENS asked Ms. Garcia if  she wants to replace it with                                                               
something or just get rid of it.                                                                                                
MS.  GARCIA replied  that NEA  believes  more focus  needs to  be                                                               
placed on the  actual education. They already  have the standards                                                               
based assessment to measure achievement.                                                                                        
VICE-CHAIR DAVIS held SB 109 in committee.                                                                                      
9:02:21 AM                                                                                                                    
VICE-CHAIR  DAVIS found  no further  testimony and  adjourned the                                                               
Senate Education Standing Committee meeting at 9:02 a.m.                                                                        

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
SB 109 CEP 1.pdf SEDC 3/16/2009 8:00:00 AM
SB 109
SB 109 CEP 2.pdf SEDC 3/16/2009 8:00:00 AM
SB 109
SB 109 CEP 3.pdf SEDC 3/16/2009 8:00:00 AM
SB 109
SB 109 Friedman lttr.pdf SEDC 3/16/2009 8:00:00 AM
SB 109
SB 109 NYT article.pdf SEDC 3/16/2009 8:00:00 AM
SB 109
SB 109 Sectional Analysis.pdf SEDC 3/16/2009 8:00:00 AM
SB 109
SB 109 Sponsor Statement.pdf SEDC 3/16/2009 8:00:00 AM
SB 109
SB 109 USA Today article.pdf SEDC 3/16/2009 8:00:00 AM
SB 109