Legislature(1993 - 1994)

04/18/1994 08:15 AM House RES

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
               HOUSE RESOURCES STANDING COMMITTEE                              
                         April 18, 1994                                        
                            8:15 a.m.                                          
  MEMBERS PRESENT                                                              
  Representative Bill Williams, Chairman                                       
  Representative Bill Hudson, Vice Chairman                                    
  Representative Con Bunde                                                     
  Representative Pat Carney                                                    
  Representative John Davies                                                   
  Representative Joe Green                                                     
  Representative Jeannette James                                               
  MEMBERS ABSENT                                                               
  Representative David Finkelstein                                             
  Representative Eldon Mulder                                                  
  COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                           
  SB 293:   "An Act relating to the authority of the                           
            commissioner of natural resources to reconvey, or                  
            relinquish an interest in, land to the United                      
            States if that land or interest being reconveyed                   
            or relinquished is identified in an amended                        
            application for a land allotment under federal                     
            SB 293 MOVED OUT OF COMMITTEE WITH INDIVIDUAL                      
  Confirmation Hearing:                                                        
       Board of Game                                                           
            Thomas Johnson                                                     
            COMMITTEE REPORT SIGNED                                            
  WITNESS REGISTER                                                             
  BRYCE EDGEMOND, Aide                                                         
  Senator George Jacko                                                         
  State Capitol, Room 125                                                      
  Juneau, Alaska   99801-1182                                                  
  Phone:  465-4942                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT:  Prime Sponsor SB 293                                    
  RON SWANSON, Director                                                        
  Division of Land                                                             
  Department of Natural Resources                                              
  P.O. Box 107005                                                              
  Anchorage, Alaska   99510-7005                                               
  Phone:  762-2692                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT:  Supported SB 293                                        
  PREVIOUS ACTION                                                              
  BILL:  SB 293                                                                
  SHORT TITLE: NATIVE ALLOTMENTS ON STATE LAND                                 
  SPONSOR(S): SENATOR(S) JACKO,Zharoff                                         
  JRN-DATE     JRN-PG               ACTION                                     
  02/11/94      2788    (S)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  02/11/94      2788    (S)   RES, JUD                                         
  03/23/94              (S)   RES AT 3:30 PM BUTROVICH RM 205                  
  03/24/94      3342    (S)   RES RPT  4DP 1NR                                 
  03/24/94      3342    (S)   ZERO FN PUBLISHED (DNR)                          
  04/06/94              (S)   JUD AT 01:30 PM BELTZ ROOM 211                   
  04/08/94              (S)   RLS AT 00:00 AM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  04/08/94      3522    (S)   JUD RPT  2DP 3NR                                 
  04/08/94      3522    (S)   PREVIOUS ZERO FN (DNR)                           
  04/11/94      3556    (S)   RULES RPT  3CAL 1NR  4/11/94                     
  04/11/94      3560    (S)   READ THE SECOND TIME                             
  04/11/94      3560    (S)   ADVANCED TO THIRD READING UNAN                   
  04/11/94      3560    (S)   READ THE THIRD TIME  SB 293                      
  04/11/94      3561    (S)   PASSED Y19 N1                                    
  04/11/94      3561    (S)   COSPONSOR(S):  ZHAROFF                           
  04/11/94      3567    (S)   TRANSMITTED TO (H)                               
  04/12/94      3367    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  04/12/94      3367    (H)   RESOURCES, JUDICIARY                             
  04/18/94              (H)   RES AT 08:15 AM CAPITOL 124                      
  ACTION NARRATIVE                                                             
  TAPE 94-55, SIDE A                                                           
  Number 000                                                                   
  The House Resources Committee was called to order by                         
  Chairman Bill Williams at 8:25 a.m.  Members present at the                  
  call to order were Representatives Williams, Hudson, Bunde,                  
  Carney, and James.  Members absent were Representatives                      
  Davies, Finkelstein, Green, and Mulder.                                      
  CHAIRMAN BILL WILLIAMS stated there is a quorum present.                     
  SB 293 - NATIVE ALLOTMENTS ON STATE LAND                                     
  BRYCE EDGEMOND, AIDE, SENATOR GEORGE JACKO, stated SB 293 is                 
  similar to a bill which was heard by the committee in March.                 
  He said SB 293 will give the commissioner of the Department                  
  of Natural Resources (DNR) the authority to relocate Native                  
  allotments which are mired in the endless process of appeals                 
  and litigation.  He explained these Native allotments are                    
  located on top of public use sites, whether it be a runway,                  
  road, mouth of a river near a prime recreational spot, state                 
  park or state land used for public use.                                      
  MR. EDGEMOND stated SB 293 is broader in scope that HB 404.                  
  SB 293 applies to all state lands as opposed to HB 404 which                 
  dealt with Native allotments located in state parks.                         
  Senator Jacko views SB 293 as good government, as it gives                   
  allottees an option to relocate their allotment to another                   
  parcel of land outside the legislatively designated area.                    
  He said the bill has a zero fiscal note and passed the                       
  Senate 19-1.                                                                 
  Number 040                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE BILL HUDSON asked Mr. Edgemond to give an                     
  example of where this bill might apply.                                      
  MR. EDGEMOND responded with two examples.  He said a village                 
  received over $2 million through the capital budget last                     
  year to refurbish their airport.  The village is having                      
  problems with the permitting process because part of the                     
  airport is located on a Native allotment.  SB 293 would give                 
  that allottee the option to relocate his or her allotment to                 
  another parcel.  He said another example is the Wood-Tikchik                 
  State Park, where 104 parcels are located within the park                    
  and are mired in the appeal process.  Many of the allottees                  
  are frustrated and would take advantage of this option if                    
  (CHAIRMAN WILLIAMS noted for the record that REPRESENTATIVE                  
  GREEN joined the committee at 8:30 a.m.)                                     
  Number 060                                                                   
  NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR), stated the department fully                         
  supports SB 293.  He said for years, DNR has worked with                     
  Native allottees trying to avoid public use conflicts.  He                   
  felt SB 293 sets up a win/win/win situation.  The allottee                   
  has to be agreeable to move and the department has to be                     
  agreeable to move the allottee on to other state land, which                 
  solves a problem for the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and                  
  the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).                                         
  REPRESENTATIVE JEANNETTE JAMES said the sponsor had stated                   
  SB 293 was broader than only lands located within public                     
  parks.  She wondered what other kinds of problems might be                   
  solved with SB 293.                                                          
  MR. SWANSON responded many times allotments are located on                   
  top of roads, airports or high public use sites.  SB 293                     
  gives DNR the opportunity to move the allottees away from                    
  those conflicts.  He stressed it is not a purchase situation                 
  but rather a flat move to land where there is less conflict.                 
  REPRESENTATIVE JAMES clarified SB 293 does not affect                        
  anything unless it is within public use land.                                
  MR. SWANSON said that is correct.  He stated in 1971 when                    
  the Native Allotment Act was repealed, all applications had                  
  to be filed.  He said there were about 12,000 on record.  He                 
  explained in 1980, the state was given the opportunity to                    
  protest those which had a public use conflict, mainly with                   
  roads, and approximately 1,500 were protested.  Since then,                  
  DNR has been able to work out resolutions for all but about                  
  500-600.  SB 293 will fix those remaining situations if the                  
  allottee agrees to go along with it.                                         
  Number 083                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON asked if SB 293 has any involvement                    
  with the Mental Health Land.                                                 
  MR. SWANSON stated there are Native allotments filed on                      
  Mental Health land and SB 293 gives the department the                       
  opportunity to move those as well.                                           
  REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON clarified by permitting the relocation                 
  of an allotment outside a state park, even though it might                   
  be involved in the mental health issue, two problems will be                 
  MR. SWANSON replied that is correct.                                         
  REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON asked if there will be any costs                       
  MR. SWANSON responded no, because all of the up-front work                   
  has to be done by the Department of Interior, who has to                     
  first find it to be a valid Native allotment and then the                    
  two BLM employees working within DNR do the reconveyance                     
  Number 099                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE JOE GREEN asked if SB 293 will clear up any                   
  disputes as well as move the allottees to where they can be                  
  enacted and cured.                                                           
  MR. SWANSON said the intent of SB 293 is to eliminate the                    
  REPRESENTATIVE GREEN clarified that all three agencies are                   
  supportive of SB 293.                                                        
  MR. SWANSON replied that is correct.  He added there was                     
  federal legislation passed about three years ago to allow                    
  this to happen on the federal side.                                          
  REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON made a MOTION to MOVE SB 293 with zero                 
  fiscal note out of committee with INDIVIDUAL                                 
  CHAIRMAN WILLIAMS asked if there were any objections to the                  
  motion.  Hearing none, the MOTION PASSED.                                    
  Number 124                                                                   
  CHAIRMAN WILLIAMS stated since the confirmation hearing last                 
  week on the Governor's appointees to Boards and Commissions,                 
  one more appointment has been referred to the committee for                  
  consideration.  One of the members of the Board of Game                      
  resigned recently and the Governor has appointed Thomas                      
  Johnson of Nome to that seat.  Chairman Williams distributed                 
  Mr. Johnson's resume and asked committee members if they                     
  would like to make a recommendation based on the resume or                   
  did they prefer to talk to Mr. Johnson via teleconference.                   
  REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON stated he has known Mr. Johnson from                   
  years past and feels he would be an excellent member on the                  
  Board of Game.                                                               
  REPRESENTATIVE GREEN said while he is influenced by                          
  Representative Hudson's input, he would like to speak to Mr.                 
  Johnson, if possible.                                                        
  (CHAIRMAN WILLIAMS noted for the record that REPRESENTATIVE                  
  DAVIES joined the committee at 8:40 a.m.)                                    
  REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON stated Mr. Johnson is a blue collar                    
  gentleman who was born in the Interior and is married to an                  
  Eskimo lady, who was Governor Hammond's office regional                      
  manager in Nome.  Mr. Johnson is ethical and clearly                         
  understands Native subsistence issues as well as the hunting                 
  situation.  He stated he is willing to advance the                           
  REPRESENTATIVE GREEN said if the other committee members are                 
  comfortable with advancing the confirmation, that is fine.                   
  REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON made a MOTION to MOVE the name of                      
  THOMAS JOHNSON as a member of the BOARD OF GAME out of                       
  committee with INDIVIDUAL RECOMMENDATIONS.                                   
  CHAIRMAN WILLIAMS asked if there were any objections.                        
  Hearing none, the MOTION PASSED.                                             
  CHAIRMAN WILLIAMS announced the committee will meet on                       
  Wednesday, April 20 at 8:15 a.m. to continue public                          
  testimony on SB 310.  He noted the final tally from last                     
  Friday's meeting showed there were approximately 120 people                  
  signed up to testify who the committee did not get to.  The                  
  committee had a general discussion on how best to                            
  accommodate the large number of people who are wishing to                    
  There being no further business to come before the House                     
  Resources Committee, Chairman Williams adjourned the meeting                 
  at 8:50 a.m.                                                                 

Document Name Date/Time Subjects