Legislature(2019 - 2020)

2019-05-14 Senate Journal

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2019-05-14                     Senate Journal                      Page 1181
                        Reconsideration of House Bills                                                                       
HB 49                                                                                                                         
Senator Begich gave notice of reconsideration on SENATE CS FOR                                                                  
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 49(FIN) am S and moved and asked                                                                          
unanimous consent it be taken up. Without objection, the bill was                                                               
before the Senate on reconsideration.                                                                                           
The question to be reconsidered: "Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR                                                                    
HOUSE BILL NO. 49(FIN) am S "An Act relating to criminal law and                                                                
procedure; relating to marriage as a defense to certain crimes of sexual                                                        
assault; establishing the crime of possession of motor vehicle theft                                                            
tools; relating to controlled substances; relating to electronic                                                                
monitoring; relating to probation and parole; relating to sentencing;                                                           
amending the definitions of 'most serious felony,' 'sex offense,' and                                                           
'sex offender'; relating to registration of sex offenders; relating to the                                                      
automated victim notification system; relating to reporting child abuse                                                         
or neglect; relating to Alaska Native organizations; relating to the                                                            
village public safety officer program; relating to cancellation of a                                                            
driver's license; relating to driving while license canceled; relating to                                                       
operating under the influence; relating to restoration of a driver's                                                            
license; relating to refusal to submit to a chemical test; relating to the                                                      
use of headlights; relating to the powers and duties of the                                                                     
commissioner of corrections; relating to pretrial services; relating to                                                         
the duties of a prosecuting attorney; relating to testing of sexual                                                             
assault examination kits; relating to reports of involuntary                                                                    
commitment; amending Rules 6(r)(6), 38.2, and 45(d), Alaska Rules                                                               
of Criminal Procedure; and providing for an effective date" pass the                                                            
Senate?" The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                          
SCS CSHB 49(FIN) am S                                                                                                           
Third Reading - On Reconsideration                                                                                              
Court Rules      Effective Dates                                                                                                
YEAS:  19   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  1