Legislature(2019 - 2020)

2019-07-08 House Journal

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2019-07-08                     House Journal                      Page 1209
     An appropriation bill that transfers the amount authorized                                                                 
     under AS 37.13.145(b) from the earning reserve account                                                                     
     (AS 37.13.145) to the dividend fund (AS 43.23.045(a)) for the                                                              
     payment of permanent fund dividends and for administrative                                                                 
     and associated costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020.                                                             
Dated this 13th day of June, 2019.                                                                                              
Time:  11:00 a.m.                                                                                                               
                                             Michael J. Dunleavy                                                                
HR 6                                                                                                                          
A message dated June 13 was received stating the Governor read the                                                              
following resolution and is transmitting the engrossed and enrolled                                                             
copies to the Lieutenant Governor's office for permanent filing:                                                                
     HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 6                                                                                                     
     Expressing support and appreciation for the National Native                                                                
     American Veterans Memorial.                                                                                                
     House Resolve No. 6                                                                                                        
HR 7                                                                                                                          
A message dated June 13 was received stating the Governor read the                                                              
following resolution and is transmitting the engrossed and enrolled                                                             
copies to the Lieutenant Governor's office for permanent filing:                                                                
     HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 7                                                                                                     
     Urging the governor to continue to fully implement the Alaska                                                              
     Tribal Child Welfare Compact and build ongoing partnerships                                                                
     between the state and tribal governments.                                                                                  
     House Resolve No. 7                                                                                                        
HR 8                                                                                                                          
A message dated June 13 was received stating the Governor read the                                                              
following resolution and is transmitting the engrossed and enrolled                                                             
copies to the Lieutenant Governor's office for permanent filing: