Legislature(2019 - 2020)

2019-05-06 House Journal

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2019-05-06                     House Journal                      Page 0819
                           LEGISLATIVE CITATIONS                                                                             
Representative Thompson moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                  
the House approve the citations on the calendar.  There being no                                                                
objection, the following citations were approved and sent to enrolling:                                                         
Honoring - Amy Jo Meiners                                                                                                       
By Representatives Story, Hannan; Senator Kiehl                                                                                 
Honoring - Joann Jones                                                                                                          
By Representatives Story, Hannan; Senator Kiehl                                                                                 
In Memoriam - Karen Janicek                                                                                                     
By Senator Kiehl                                                                                                                
In Memoriam - Myrna M. Maynard                                                                                                  
By Senator Birch; Representatives Revak, Jackson                                                                                
                            UNFINISHED BUSINESS                                                                              
HR 6                                                                                                                          
Representatives Tarr, Jackson, Zulkosky, Spohnholz, Eastman,                                                                    
Hannan, and Josephson added as cosponsors to:                                                                                   
     HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 6                                                                                                     
     Expressing support and appreciation for the National Native                                                                
     American Veterans Memorial.                                                                                                
HJR 12                                                                                                                        
Representatives Johnson, Jackson, and Revak added as cosponsors to:                                                             
     HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 12                                                                                              
     Supporting the completion of the Northern Rail Extension;                                                                  
     supporting the increase in defensive capabilities at Fort Greely,                                                          
     Alaska; and encouraging the development of critical Arctic                                                                 
HB 29                                                                                                                         
Representatives Lincoln, Tarr, and Josephson added as cosponsors to: