Legislature(2019 - 2020)

2019-05-20 House Journal

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2019-05-20                     House Journal                      Page 1102
     to the village public safety officer program; relating to                                                                  
     cancellation of a driver's license; relating to driving while license                                                      
     canceled; relating to operating under the influence; relating to                                                           
     restoration of a driver's license; relating to refusal to submit to a                                                      
     chemical test; relating to the use of headlights; relating to the                                                          
     powers and duties of the commissioner of corrections; relating to                                                          
     pretrial services; relating to the duties of a prosecuting attorney;                                                       
     relating to testing of sexual assault examination kits; relating to                                                        
     reports of involuntary commitment; amending Rules 6(r)(6), 38.2,                                                           
     and 45(d), Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure; and providing for                                                           
     an effective date."                                                                                                        
     (SCR 7 – title change resolution)                                                                                          
The Speaker granted the limited powers of free conference as                                                                    
requested (page 1088).                                                                                                          
                       REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES                                                                         
HB 49                                                                                                                         
The Conference Committee with limited powers of free conference                                                                 
considering CSHB 49(FIN) am and SCS CSHB 49(FIN) am S                                                                           
recommends the following be adopted:                                                                                            
     CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 49                                                                                        
     "An Act relating to criminal law and procedure; relating to                                                                
     marriage as a defense to certain crimes of sexual assault;                                                                 
     establishing the crime of possession of motor vehicle theft tools;                                                         
     relating to controlled substances; relating to electronic monitoring;                                                      
     relating to probation and parole; relating to sentencing; amending                                                         
     the definitions of 'most serious felony,' 'sex offense,' and 'sex                                                          
     offender'; relating to registration of sex offenders; relating to the                                                      
     automated victim notification system; relating to reporting child                                                          
     abuse or neglect; relating to Alaska Native organizations; relating                                                        
     to the village public safety officer program; relating to                                                                  
     cancellation of a driver's license; relating to driving while license                                                      
     canceled; relating to operating under the influence; relating to                                                           
     restoration of a driver's license; relating to refusal to submit to a                                                      
     chemical test; relating to the use of headlights; relating to the                                                          
     powers and duties of the commissioner of corrections; relating to