Legislature(2017 - 2018)

2018-06-27 House Journal

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2018-06-27                     House Journal                      Page 3835
HB 302                                                                                                                        
The following was enrolled, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk,                                                              
President and Secretary of the Senate, and the engrossed and enrolled                                                           
copies were transmitted to the Office of the Governor at 10:06 a.m.,                                                            
June 11:                                                                                                                        
     HOUSE BILL NO. 302                                                                                                         
     "An Act extending the termination date of the Board of                                                                     
      Professional Counselors; and providing for an effective date."                                                           
HB 306                                                                                                                        
The following was enrolled, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk,                                                              
President and Secretary of the Senate, and the engrossed and enrolled                                                           
copies were transmitted to the Office of the Governor at 3:05 p.m.,                                                             
June 13:                                                                                                                        
     CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 306(FIN)                                                                                             
     "An Act relating to disbursement options under the Public                                                                  
     Employees' Retirement System of Alaska and the Teachers'                                                                   
     Retirement System of Alaska for participants in the defined                                                                
     contribution plan; and providing for an effective date."                                                                   
HB 312                                                                                                                        
The following was enrolled, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk,                                                              
President and Secretary of the Senate, and the engrossed and enrolled                                                           
copies were transmitted to the Office of the Governor at 3:31 p.m.,                                                             
June 7:                                                                                                                         
     SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 312(RLS) am S                                                                                 
     "An Act relating to scheduled substances; relating to the                                                                  
     Controlled Substances Advisory Committee; authorizing the                                                                  
     attorney general to schedule substances by emergency regulation                                                            
     or repeal an emergency regulation that scheduled a substance;                                                              
     relating to arrest without a warrant for assault in the fourth degree                                                      
     at a health care facility; relating to detaining a person for up to 48                                                     
     hours for the prosecuting authority to demonstrate that release of                                                         
     the person would not reasonably ensure the appearance of the                                                               
     person or will pose a danger to the victim, other persons, or the                                                          
     community if the person has a criminal conviction or charge                                                                
     outside the state; relating to conditions of release for a person who                                                      
     is represented by an attorney or has a criminal conviction or                                                              
     charge outside the state; relating to factors the court is required to