Legislature(2015 - 2016)

2015-05-12 Senate Journal

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2015-05-12                     Senate Journal                      Page 1261
          HOUSE BILL NO. 140 "An Act authorizing the                                                                            
          Alaska Railroad Corporation to issue revenue bonds                                                                    
          to finance a positive train control rail transportation                                                               
          safety project that qualifies for federal financial                                                                   
          participation; and providing for an effective date."                                                                  
                             Chapter 8, SLA 2015                                                                               
                            Effective Date: 5/6/15                                                                             
SB 33                                                                                                                         
Message was read stating the Governor signed the following bill on                                                              
May 11 and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled copies to the                                                                 
Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:                                                                              
          HOUSE CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 33(FIN) "An                                                                              
          Act relating to remittance of tire fees; and providing                                                                
          for an effective date."                                                                                               
                             Chapter 9, SLA 2015                                                                               
                           Effective Date: 5/12/15                                                                             
HB 1                                                                                                                          
Message was read stating the Governor signed the following bill on                                                              
May 11 and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled copies to the                                                                 
Lieutenant Governor's Office for permanent filing:                                                                              
          SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                                       
          NO. 1(STA) "An Act declaring the Arctic policy of                                                                     
          the state."                                                                                                           
                             Chapter 10, SLA 2015                                                                              
                            Effective Date: 8/9/15                                                                             
Rule 23(d) of the Alaska State Legislature Uniform Rules is currently                                                           
in effect.                                                                                                                      
Announcements are at the end of the journal.