Legislature(2015 - 2016)

2016-07-11 House Journal

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2016-07-11                     House Journal                      Page 3150
SB  91-OMNIBUS CRIM LAW & PROCEDURE; CORRECTIONS                                                                                
26. Fiscal, Dept. of Health & Social Services (published 4/8/2016)                                                              
33. Fiscal, Alaska Judicial System (published 4/8/2016)                                                                         
36. Fiscal, Dept. of Corrections (published 5/2/2016)                                                                           
38. Fiscal, Dept. of Corrections (published 5/2/2016)                                                                           
39. Fiscal, Dept. of Corrections (published 5/2/2016)                                                                           
SB 124-EXTEND SUNSET ON AK COMMISSION ON AGING                                                                                  
3. Fiscal, Senate Finance Committee/Dept. of Health & Social                                                                    
 Services (published 3/18/2016)                                                                                                 
SB 145-RECOVERY OF PUB. ASSIST. OVERPAYMENTS                                                                                    
3. Fiscal, Dept. of Health & Social Services (published 2/3/2016)                                                               
SB 210-COMMUNITY REVENUE SHARING/ASSISTANCE                                                                                     
2. Fiscal, House Finance Committee/Fund Capitalization (published                                                               
HB 257                                                                                                                        
A letter dated June 28, 2016, to Speaker Chenault and President Meyer                                                           
from David Teal, Director, Legislative Finance Division, was received                                                           
identifying the fiscal notes included in the packet that accompanied the                                                        
conference committee with limited powers of free conference report                                                              
(page 3009) for the following, which was adopted by the House and                                                               
Senate May 31, 2016:                                                                                                            
     CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 257                                                                                       
     "An Act making appropriations for the operating and capital                                                                
     expenses of the state's integrated comprehensive mental health                                                             
     program; making supplemental appropriations; and providing for                                                             
     an effective date."                                                                                                        
The following fiscal notes were itemized in the letter:                                                                         
HB 188-PERSON W/DISABILITY SAVINGS ACCOUNTS                                                                                     
3. Fiscal, Dept. of Revenue (published 4/7/2016)