Legislature(2015 - 2016)

2015-01-20 House Journal

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2015-01-20                     House Journal                      Page 0013
Yeas:  Chenault, Claman, Colver, Edgmon, Foster, Gara, Gattis,                                                                  
Gruenberg, Guttenberg, Hawker, Herron, Hughes, Johnson,                                                                         
Josephson, Kawasaki, Kito, Kreiss-Tomkins, LeDoux, Lynn, Millett,                                                               
Munoz, Nageak, Neuman, Olson, Ortiz, Pruitt, Reinbold, Saddler,                                                                 
Seaton, Stutes, Talerico, Tarr, Thompson, Tilton, Tuck, Vazquez,                                                                
Wilson, Wool                                                                                                                    
Absent:  Drummond, Keller                                                                                                       
And so, the appointments were confirmed.                                                                                        
The Chief Clerk notified the Senate.                                                                                            
The Speaker stated that, without objection, the House would revert to:                                                          
                       MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR                                                                            
A message dated January 8, 2015, was read stating under the provision                                                           
of art. III, sec. 18, Constitution of the State of Alaska, the Governor                                                         
requests the opportunity to address a joint session of the Twenty-ninth                                                         
Alaska State Legislature on Wednesday, January 21 at 7:00 p.m. for                                                              
presentation of the State of the State Address and on Thursday,                                                                 
January 22 at 7:00 p.m. for presentation of the State of the Budget                                                             
               INTRODUCTION, FIRST READING, AND REFERENCE                                                                    
                          OF HOUSE RESOLUTIONS                                                                               
HR 1                                                                                                                          
HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 1 by the House Rules Committee:                                                                            
    Establishing a House Special Committee on Economic                                                                          
    Development, Tourism, and Arctic Policy.                                                                                    
was read the first time and is on today's calendar.                                                                             
HR 2                                                                                                                          
HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 2 by the House Rules Committee:                                                                            
    Establishing a House Special Committee on Energy.