Legislature(2013 - 2014)

2014-03-03 House Journal

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2014-03-03                     House Journal                      Page 1767
    HOUSE BILL NO. 335                                                                                                          
    "An Act relating to the regulation of firearms and knives by the                                                            
    University of Alaska."                                                                                                      
SJR 15                                                                                                                        
Representative Johnson added his name as cross sponsor to:                                                                      
    SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 15                                                                                              
    Opposing any international designation of Alaska land or water as                                                           
    an international park, world heritage site, biosphere reserve,                                                              
    Ramsar site, or other classification of land or water that affects the                                                      
    use of land or water by the state or an Alaska Native corporation                                                           
    without approval by the United States Congress and the Alaska                                                               
    State Legislature; requesting the United States Department of                                                               
    State and the United States Department of the Interior to cease all                                                         
    further action related to an international designation for land and                                                         
    water in the state until the action is approved by the United States                                                        
    Congress and the Alaska State Legislature; requesting that the                                                              
    United States Congress pass legislation requiring Congressional                                                             
    approval of any international designation that affects the use of                                                           
    land or water by the state or the United States; requesting that the                                                        
    governor be involved in the process and development of any joint                                                            
    action plan; requesting that the state, including the departments                                                           
    responsible for the management of fish and wildlife and other                                                               
    natural resources, be an integral part of any discussion, agreement,                                                        
    understanding, or other process that affects the use or                                                                     
    development of fish and wildlife and other natural resources in the                                                         
    state; and urging the governor and the attorney general to reserve                                                          
    all legal remedies for a taking of the natural resources of the state                                                       
    by an international designation of land and water in the state.                                                            
SB 159                                                                                                                        
Representative Munoz added her name as cross sponsor to:                                                                        
    SENATE BILL NO. 159                                                                                                         
    "An Act relating to air ambulance service providers, air                                                                    
    ambulance membership agreements, and regulation of air                                                                      
    ambulance service providers and air ambulance membership                                                                    
    agreements by the division of insurance; and providing for an                                                               
    effective date."