Legislature(2013 - 2014)

2013-04-13 House Journal

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2013-04-13                     House Journal                      Page 1208
                       THIRD READING OF SENATE BILLS                                                                         
SB 21                                                                                                                         
HCS CSSB 21(FIN) am H was before the House in second reading                                                                    
(page 1188).                                                                                                                    
Amendment No. 6 was offered  by Representatives Kerttula, Tuck,                                                                  
Gara, Kawasaki, Tarr, Gruenberg, Josephson, Drummond, and                                                                       
Page 4, line 18, following "to":                                                                                            
     Insert "the sum of                                                                                                     
Page 4, line 20, following "percent":                                                                                       
     Insert "; and                                                                                                          
                  (B)  the sum, over all months of the calendar year,                                                       
         of the tax amounts determined under (g) of this section"                                                           
Page 4, line 21, through page 5, line 7:                                                                                        
     Delete all material and insert:                                                                                            
"* Sec. 5. AS 43.55.011(g) is amended to read:                                                                                
         (g)  For purposes of (e) of this section, the tax amount is                                                        
     determined as follows:                                                                                                 
              (1)  before January 1, 2014, for [FOR] each month of                                                          
     the calendar year for which the producer's average monthly                                                                 
     production tax value under AS 43.55.160(a)(2) of a [PER] BTU                                                           
     equivalent barrel of the taxable oil and gas is more than $30, the                                                         
     amount of tax for purposes of (e)(1)(B) and (e)(2)(B) [(e)(2)] of                                                      
     this section is determined by multiplying the monthly production                                                           
     tax value of the taxable oil and gas produced during the month by                                                          
     the tax rate calculated as follows:                                                                                        
                  (A) [(1)]  if the producer's average monthly                                                              
         production tax value of a [PER] BTU equivalent barrel of the                                                       
         taxable oil and gas for the month is not more than $92.50, the                                                         
         tax rate is 0.4 percent multiplied by the number that represents                                                       
         the difference between that average monthly production tax                                                             
            value of a [PER] BTU equivalent barrel and $30; or                                                             
                  (B) [(2)]  if the producer's average monthly