Legislature(2013 - 2014)

2014-09-19 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2014-09-19                     House Journal                      Page 2857
HB 266                                                                                                                        
The following was engrossed and enrolled, signed by the Speaker and                                                             
Chief Clerk, President and Secretary of the Senate, and the engrossed                                                           
and enrolled copies were transmitted to the Office of the Governor at                                                           
8:48 a.m., May 23, 2014, with a fiscal note packet and Legislative                                                              
Finance letter (page 2852):                                                                                                     
      CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 266                                                                                      
      "An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan                                                                  
      program expenses of state government and for certain programs,                                                            
      capitalizing funds, and making reappropriations; and providing for                                                        
      an effective date."                                                                                                       
The following memorandum dated May 8, 2014, was received from                                                                   
Patty Rose, Enrolling Secretary, Division of Legal and Research                                                                 
"In accordance with Rule 43, Uniform Rules of the Alaska State                                                                  
Legislature, I am reporting the following manifest errors in CCS                                                                
HB 266, which have been corrected in enrolling:                                                                                 
Page 69, line 9, following "Corrections,":                                                                                      
      Insert "and"                                                                                                              
Page 76, line 16, following "in":                                                                                               
      Insert "the"                                                                                                              
Page 77, line 6:                                                                                                                
      Delete "amounts"                                                                                                          
      Insert "amount""