Legislature(2011 - 2012)

2012-02-15 Senate Journal

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2012-02-15                     Senate Journal                      Page 1508
SB 163                                                                                                                        
The Transportation Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 163                                                                     
"An Act providing for and relating to the issuance of general                                                                   
obligation bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of municipal port                                                           
projects; and providing for an effective date" and recommended it be                                                            
replaced with                                                                                                                   
          CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 163(TRA)                                                                                       
Signing do pass: Senator Kookesh, Chair; Senators Egan, Thomas,                                                                 
Menard. Signing no recommendation: Senator Huggins.                                                                             
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
 Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Revenue                                                                                       
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                                 
HB 60                                                                                                                         
The Resources Committee considered HOUSE BILL NO. 60 "An Act                                                                    
relating to aquatic farm permitting involving geoducks and to geoduck                                                           
seed transfers between certified hatcheries and aquatic farms." Signing                                                         
do pass: Senators Paskvan, Wagoner, Cochairs; Senators French,                                                                  
Wielechowski, Stevens.                                                                                                          
The following fiscal information was published today:                                                                           
 Fiscal Note No. 3, zero, Department of Fish and Game                                                                           
 Fiscal Note No. 4, zero, Department of Natural Resources                                                                       
The bill was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                                 
HCR 20                                                                                                                        
The Health and Social Services Committee considered HOUSE                                                                       
CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 20 Designating February 2012                                                                          
as American Heart Month. Signing do pass: Senator Davis, Chair;                                                                 
Senators Meyer, Dyson.                                                                                                          
The following previously published fiscal information applies:                                                                  
 Fiscal Note No. 1, zero, Legislative Agency                                                                                    
The resolution was referred to the Rules Committee.