Legislature(2011 - 2012)

2011-04-15 Senate Journal

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2011-04-15                     Senate Journal                      Page 0886
Senator Thomas moved and asked unanimous consent to be excused                                                                  
from a call of the Senate from afternoon plane time, April 27 through                                                           
evening plane time, May 16. Without objection, Senator Thomas was                                                               
Senator Meyer moved and asked unanimous consent that the Senate                                                                 
stand in recess to a call of the Chair. Without objection, the Senate                                                           
recessed at 12:18 p.m.                                                                                                          
                                 After Recess                                                                                
The Senate reconvened at 4:03 p.m.                                                                                              
Rule 23(d) of the Alaska State Legislature Uniform Rules is currently                                                           
in effect.                                                                                                                      
Announcements are at the end of the journal.                                                                                    
HB 16                                                                                                                         
SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 16(FIN) "An Act extending the                                                                      
senior benefits payment program; and relating to income allowances                                                              
for medical assistance recipients and Alaska Pioneers' Homes and                                                                
Alaska Veterans' Homes residents" was engrossed, signed by the                                                                  
President and Secretary and returned to the House for consideration.                                                            
SCR 12                                                                                                                        
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 12 Suspending Rules                                                                            
24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State                                                                  
Legislature, concerning House Bill No. 16, extending senior benefits,                                                           
was engrossed, signed by the President and Secretary and transmitted                                                            
to the House for consideration.