Legislature(2011 - 2012)

2012-04-30 House Journal

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2012-04-30                     House Journal                      Page 2633
HB 358-ANWR ADVERTISING CONTRACT                                                                                                
2. Fiscal, House Finance Committee/Dept. of Commerce, Community,                                                                
& Economic Development (published 3/21/12)                                                                                      
HB 360-INTERSTATE MINING COMPACT & COMMISSION                                                                                   
2.  Fiscal, House Finance Committee/Dept. of Natural Resources                                                                  
(published 4/6/12)                                                                                                              
HB 365-AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES                                                                                                 
6.   Fiscal, Dept. of Fish & Game (published 4/6/12)                                                                            
8. Fiscal, Conference Committee/Dept. of Natural Resources                                                                      
(published 4/30/12)                                                                                                             
HCR 23-ALASKA ARCTIC POLICY COMMISSION                                                                                          
3.  Fiscal, Legislative Agency (published 4/14/12)                                                                              
SB  25-AIDEA: SUSTAINABLE ENERGY/ INTEREST RATE                                                                                 
3. Fiscal, Senate Finance Committee/Dept. of Commerce, Community,                                                               
& Economic Development (published 4/11/12)                                                                                      
SB  86-PROTECTION OF VULNERABLE ADULTS/MINORS                                                                                   
12.  Fiscal, Dept. of Public Safety (published 2/3/12)                                                                          
SB  92-DENTISTS/DENTAL HYGIENISTS/ASSISTANTS                                                                                    
3. Fiscal, Dept. of Commerce, Community, & Economic Development                                                                 
(published 2/8/12)                                                                                                              
SB 119-ATHLETIC TRAINERS; INTERSCHOL. ACTIVITIES                                                                                
6. Fiscal, Conference Committee/Dept. of Commerce, Community, &                                                                 
Economic Development (published 4/30/12)