Legislature(2011 - 2012)

2012-01-23 House Journal

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2012-01-23                     House Journal                      Page 1388
The following was received:                                                                                                     
Joint Legislative Task Force on Theme-Based Education                                                                           
Recommendations to Improve Curriculum in the State                                                                              
January 19, 2012                                                                                                                
                    REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES                                                                           
HB 182                                                                                                                        
The State Affairs Committee considered:                                                                                         
    HOUSE BILL NO. 182                                                                                                          
    "An Act relating to distribution of annual reports by state                                                                 
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                                             
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 182(STA)                                                                                              
    "An Act relating to distribution of reports by state agencies."                                                            
The report was signed by Representative Lynn, Chair, with the                                                                   
following individual recommendations:                                                                                           
Do pass (4):  P. Wilson, Petersen, Johansen, Lynn                                                                               
Amend (3):  Keller, Gruenberg, Seaton                                                                                           
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 182(STA):                                                                            
1.  Indeterminate, Office of the Governor/All Depts.                                                                            
HB 182 was referred to the Finance Committee.                                                                                   
HB 279                                                                                                                        
The Labor & Commerce Committee considered:                                                                                      
    HOUSE BILL NO. 279                                                                                                          
    "An Act extending the termination dates of the Board of Nursing,                                                            
    the Board of Dental Examiners, the Board of Barbers and                                                                     
    Hairdressers, the Big Game Commercial Services Board, the