Legislature(2011 - 2012)

2011-05-05 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2011-05-05                     House Journal                      Page 1190
HB 127                                                                                                                        
The following memorandum dated May 5, 2011, was received from                                                                   
Patty Rose, Enrolling Secretary, Division of Legal and Research                                                                 
Services, regarding:                                                                                                            

2011-05-05                     House Journal                      Page 1191
    SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 127(JUD)                                                                                
    "An Act relating to the crimes of stalking, sexual assault in the                                                           
    third degree, sexual assault in the fourth degree, unlawful                                                                 
    exploitation of a minor, distribution of child pornography, online                                                          
    enticement of a minor, endangering the welfare of a child, sending                                                          
    an explicit image of a minor, harassment, and misconduct                                                                    
    involving confidential information; making the installation,                                                                
    enabling, or use of keystroke loggers or other devices criminal use                                                         
    of a computer; relating to probation; relating to the subpoena                                                              
    power of the attorney general in cases involving use of an Internet                                                         
    service account; relating to an appearance before a judicial officer                                                        
    after arrest; relating to conditions of probation in criminal cases                                                         
    involving sex offenses; relating to penalties for operating a vehicle                                                       
    without possessing proof of motor vehicle liability insurance or a                                                          
    driver's license; relating to penalties for certain arson offenses;                                                         
    amending Rule 5(a)(1), Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure, and                                                              
    Rule 43.10, Alaska Rules of Administration; and providing for an                                                            
    effective date."                                                                                                            
"In accordance with Rule 43, Uniform Rules of the Alaska State                                                                  
Legislature, I am reporting the following manifest errors in SCS                                                                
CSHB 127(JUD), which have been corrected in enrolling:                                                                          
Page 3, line 31, following "state,":                                                                                        
    Insert "the offender"                                                                                                   
Page 4, line 1, following the second occurrence of "person":                                                                
    Insert "is"                                                                                                             
Page 5, line 5:                                                                                                                 
    Delete "or""