Legislature(2009 - 2010)

2010-04-18 House Journal

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2010-04-18                     House Journal                      Page 2546
     SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 280(FIN)                                                                               
     "An Act relating to a gas storage facility; relating to the                                                                
     Regulatory Commission of Alaska; relating to the participation by                                                          
     the attorney general in a matter involving the approval of a rate or                                                       
     a gas supply contract; relating to an income tax credit for a gas                                                          
     storage facility; relating to oil and gas production tax credits;                                                          
     relating to the powers and duties of the Alaska Oil and Gas                                                                
     Conservation Commission; relating to production tax credits for                                                            
     certain losses and expenditures, including exploration                                                                     
     expenditures; relating to the powers and duties of the director of                                                         
     the division of lands and to lease fees for a gas storage facility on                                                      
     state land; and providing for an effective date."                                                                          
CSHB 280(FIN) am is under Unfinished Business.                                                                                  
A message dated April 18, 2010, was read stating the Senate passed                                                              
the following, and it is transmitted for consideration:                                                                         
                       FIRST READING AND REFERENCE                                                                           
                          OF SENATE RESOLUTIONS                                                                              
SCR 21                                                                                                                        
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 21 by the Senate                                                                               
Resources Committee:                                                                                                            
     Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of                                                             
     the Alaska State Legislature, concerning House Bill No. 369,                                                               
     relating to an in-state natural gas pipeline, the office of in-state                                                       
     gasline project manager, and the Joint In-State Gasline                                                                    
     Development Team; requiring the development of an in-state                                                                 
     natural gas pipeline plan, to be delivered to the legislature by July                                                      
     1, 2011, that provides for a gasline that is operational by                                                                
     December 31, 2015; directing the Joint In-State Gasline                                                                    
     Development Team to assume responsibilities under sec. 19, ch.                                                             
     14, SLA 2009; and requiring expedited review and action by state                                                           
     agencies or entities relating to the in-state natural gas pipeline                                                         
was read the first time and taken up later as a Special Order of                                                                