Legislature(2009 - 2010)

2009-03-12 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2009-03-12                     House Journal                      Page 0437
HB 182                                                                                                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 182 by the House Rules Committee by request of                                                                   
the Governor, entitled:                                                                                                         
     "An Act establishing the Greater Railbelt Energy and                                                                       
     Transmission Corporation and relating to the corporation; relating                                                         
     to transition, financial plan, and reporting requirements regarding                                                        
     planning for the initial business operations of the Greater Railbelt                                                       
     Energy and Transmission Corporation; relating to a report on                                                               
     legislation regarding the Regulatory Commission of Alaska and                                                              
     the Greater Railbelt Energy and Transmission Corporation;                                                                  
     authorizing the Alaska Energy Authority to convey the Bradley                                                              
     Lake Hydroelectric Project and the Alaska Intertie to the Greater                                                          
     Railbelt Energy and Transmission Corporation; and providing for                                                            
     an effective date."                                                                                                        
was read the first time and referred to the House Special Committee on                                                          
Energy and the Labor & Commerce and Finance Committees.                                                                         

2009-03-12                     House Journal                      Page 0438
The following fiscal note(s) apply:                                                                                             
1. Fiscal, Dept. of Commerce, Community, & Economic Development                                                                 
The Governor's transmittal letter dated March 5, 2009, follows:                                                                 
"Dear Speaker Chenault:                                                                                                         
Under the authority of Article III, Section 18, of the Alaska                                                                   
Constitution, I am transmitting a bill that creates the Greater Railbelt                                                        
Energy and Transmission Corporation and empowers the corporation                                                                
to plan for the financing, acquisition, construction, ownership, and                                                            
operation of necessary electric power generation and transmission                                                               
assets and services that would be necessary to provide the Railbelt                                                             
with adequate, reliable, safe, and stable electric power and                                                                    
transmission services, at the lowest feasible long-term cost.                                                                   
The electric power generation assets in the Railbelt are aging, and low-                                                        
cost Cook Inlet natural gas supplies are not expected to be plentiful in                                                        
the future.  New electric power generation projects with more diverse                                                           
fuel sources will be needed.  The creation and empowerment of a new                                                             
public corporation will help coordinate the efforts of the                                                                      
interconnected Railbelt electric utilities.                                                                                     
This bill is one component of legislation to implement my statewide                                                             
energy plan.  This bill only initiates necessary efforts regarding the                                                          
Railbelt.  The bill would provide a framework for planning among the                                                            
corporation, Railbelt utilities, and the state.  These planning efforts are                                                     
anticipated to result in further legislative proposals in 2010 for                                                              
addressing the Railbelt's electric power needs.                                                                                 
Section 1 of the bill would create and empower the Greater Railbelt                                                             
Energy and Transmission Corporation (corporation) within AS 42.50.                                                              
Under AS 42.50.010, the corporation would be a statutory, non-profit                                                            
corporation, similar in corporate form to the Commercial Fishing and                                                            
Agriculture Bank.  The corporation would have the primary public                                                                
purpose, and corporate powers, to provide Railbelt utilities with                                                               
adequate, reliable, safe, and stable electric power and transmission                                                            
services, at the lowest feasible long-term cost (AS 42.50.010,                                                                  
42.50.100, 42.50.110, and 42.50.160).  The corporation would be                                                                 

2009-03-12                     House Journal                      Page 0439
governed by a board of directors composed of up to 12 persons from                                                              
the Railbelt utilities, and one public member appointed by the                                                                  
Governor (AS 42.50.020).  The Railbelt utilities would collectively                                                             
retain control over their future electric power generation and                                                                  
transmission needs, and could exercise that control through the                                                                 
corporation.  Members of the corporation would be the ratepayers of                                                             
individual Railbelt utilities, with member governance exercised, and                                                            
member benefits received, solely through the member's electric utility                                                          
(AS 42.50.050).  The corporation would be responsible for planning                                                              
for the financing, and planning for the acquisition or construction, of                                                         
electric power generation and transmission assets or services necessary                                                         
to serve the Railbelt (AS 42.50.120, 42.50.130, and 42.50.140).  The                                                            
corporation would make reports to the Governor, Legislature,                                                                    
members of the corporation, and the public; and would be subject to                                                             
legislative audit (AS 42.50.200 and 42.50.230).  Section 1 of the bill                                                          
also defines certain terms (AS 42.50.900).                                                                                      
Sections 2 - 7 and 12 of the bill would provide for the contingent                                                              
removal from participation in the corporation of any individual                                                                 
Railbelt electric utility that did not deliver to the Alaska Energy                                                             
Authority, on or before January 19, 2010, an acceptable letter of intent                                                        
under which the utility would commit to enter a phased commitment                                                               
agreement among the Alaska Energy Authority, the corporation, and                                                               
the utility.  Sections 2 - 7 of the bill would repeal from the definition                                                       
of "Greater Railbelt electric utilities" individual Railbelt electric                                                           
utilities.  Section 12(a) of the bill would make the individual repeals of                                                      
sections effective if the individual utility does not deliver an adequate                                                       
letter of intent.  These sections, effectively, would enable individual                                                         
Railbelt electric utilities to elect not to participate with and through the                                                    
corporation.  Section 12(c) of the bill would require the executive                                                             
director of the Alaska Energy Authority to notify the Lieutenant                                                                
Governor and revisor of statutes if any of these conditions are met.                                                            
Section 12(d) of the bill defines terms used in the section.                                                                    
Section 8 of the bill would establish obligations on the corporation to                                                         
organize and, jointly with the Alaska Energy Authority, develop on or                                                           
before January 19, 2010, a transition and finance plan to enable the                                                            
corporation to become an all requirements supplier of electric power                                                            
and transmission services to Railbelt electric utilities.  The bill                                                             
recognizes the reality that no new corporation can immediately fulfill                                                          

2009-03-12                     House Journal                      Page 0440
the goals set for the corporation.  Existing electric power generation                                                          
and transmission assets and services owned and operated by Railbelt                                                             
utilities and the state must be integrated into the corporation, together                                                       
with anticipated new assets and services.  Only under a phased                                                                  
transition can the corporation acquire necessary assets and services to                                                         
enable it to become the supplier of electric power generation and                                                               
transmission services to Railbelt electric utilities.  Under Section 8(a),                                                      
the plan would have to include a phased commitment agreement that                                                               
identifies commitments by the state, corporation, and utilities to enable                                                       
the corporation to achieve its corporate purposes, and a commitment                                                             
by utilities to obtain electric power and transmission services from the                                                        
corporation.  The plan would also have to address financing for                                                                 
necessary new projects, and include provisions that ensure the                                                                  
repayment of existing and new debt, and otherwise ensure that the                                                               
creation and transition not negatively affect the ability to finance                                                            
necessary Railbelt electric power generation and transmission assets                                                            
and services.  The plan must address the corporation's acquisition of                                                           
assets.  The plan must propose statutory changes to improve the ability                                                         
of the corporation to achieve its purposes.  Under Section 8(b), the                                                            
corporation would annually report on progress towards implementing                                                              
the transition and finance plan.  Section 8(c) defines terms used in the                                                        
Section 9 of the bill would require the corporation to report to the                                                            
Governor and Legislature with proposed statutory changes regarding                                                              
the scope of regulation by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska over                                                             
the corporation.  Section 9(a) identifies principles that the corporation                                                       
would have to include in its proposed legislation.  Section 9(b) defines                                                        
terms used in the section.                                                                                                      
Section 10 of the bill would authorize the Alaska Energy Authority to                                                           
convey the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project and the Alaska Intertie                                                           
to the corporation.  Section 10(a) would authorize the conveyances                                                              
and would clarify that the Alaska Energy Authority may contract to                                                              
allow the corporation to operate the projects, or agree to convey the                                                           
projects in the future after bonds or debt are paid, refinanced, or                                                             
defeased, or after approvals are obtained.  Section 10(b) defines terms                                                         
used in the section.                                                                                                            

2009-03-12                     House Journal                      Page 0441
Sections 11 and 12(b) of the bill would provide for the contingent                                                              
repeal of the authorization under Section 10 for the Alaska Energy                                                              
Authority to convey the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project and the                                                              
Alaska Intertie to the corporation.  Section 11 would repeal section 10                                                         
of the bill.  Section 12(b) would make Section 11 take effect if none of                                                        
the utilities deliver to the Alaska Energy Authority, on or before July                                                         
31, 2010, an acceptable letter of intent under which the utility commits                                                        
to enter a phased commitment agreement among the Alaska Energy                                                                  
Authority, the corporation, and the utility.  Section 12(c) would                                                               
require the executive director of the Alaska Energy Authority to notify                                                         
the Lieutenant Governor and revisor of statutes if this condition is met.                                                       
Section 12(d) defines terms used in the section.                                                                                
I urge your prompt and favorable action on this measure.                                                                        
                                Sarah Palin                                                                                    