Legislature(2009 - 2010)

2009-04-18 House Journal

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2009-04-18                     House Journal                      Page 1090
    Alaska Gasline Inducement Act to determine whether the project                                                              
    proposed by the licensee sufficiently maximizes the benefits to the                                                         
    people of the state and merits continuing the license, taking into                                                          
    consideration economic changes affecting project financing, the                                                             
    availability of liquefied natural gas and natural gas from                                                                  
    nonconventional sources, the state's risk of paying treble damages                                                          
    associated with an in-state gas pipeline, and the expected budget                                                           
    deficit; and requesting that the governor and the attorney general                                                          
    report the outcome of the review and reevaluation within six                                                                
There being no objection, HCR 12 was withdrawn.                                                                                 
              INTRODUCTION, FIRST READING, AND REFERENCE                                                                     
                            OF HOUSE BILLS                                                                                   
HB 239                                                                                                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 239 by Representatives Salmon and Gara, entitled:                                                                
    "An Act creating a diesel plant energy efficiency loan and grant                                                            
was read the first time and referred to the House Special Committee on                                                          
Energy and the Resources and Finance Committees.                                                                                
HB 240                                                                                                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 240 by Representative Johnson by request,                                                                        
    "An Act allowing employers to apply tip credit to the state's                                                               
    minimum wage."                                                                                                              
was read the first time and referred to the Labor & Commerce and                                                                
Judiciary Committees.                                                                                                           
HB 241                                                                                                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 241 by Representatives Gatto and Ramras,                                                                         