Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2006-04-10 House Journal

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2006-04-10                     House Journal                      Page 3085
    eliminating mandatory continuances in these matters after                                       
    issuance of an injunction."                                                                     
HB 482                                                                                            
Representatives Kott and McGuire added their names as cosponsors                                    
    HOUSE BILL NO. 482                                                                              
    "An Act relating to harassment, intimidation, and bullying in                                   
SCR 21                                                                                            
Representative Lynn added his name as cross sponsor to:                                             
    CS FOR SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO.                                                         
    Relating to the Vietnam War, to veterans and their families, and to                             
    the Vietnam War memorial entitled "The Moving Wall."                                            
SB 54                                                                                             
Representatives Gara and McGuire added their names as cross                                         
sponsors to:                                                                                        
    CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 54(FIN)                                                                  
    "An Act amending protective order statutes for crimes involving                                 
    stalking to include crimes involving sexual assault and sexual                                  
    abuse, to provide for other relief ordered by a court, to add the                               
    protective orders to a centralized registry, to prevent denial solely                           
    for a lapse of time, and to require notification of the court of                                
    known civil or criminal actions involving the petitioner or                                     
    respondent; relating to notifications to victims of sexual assault                              
    and to mandatory arrest for crimes involving violation of                                       
    protective orders and violation of conditions of release; and                                   
    amending Rule 65, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure."                                             
SB 210                                                                                            
Representative Lynn added his name as cross sponsor to: