Legislature(2005 - 2006)

2006-04-06 House Journal

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2006-04-06                     House Journal                      Page 3030
    You will protect them and their families from all harm or                                       
    discouragement.  We ask that You will bless us through them                                     
    and that they will serve us by serving You.  In Jesus' name I                                   
    pray.  Amen.                                                                                    
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Representative McGuire.                                         
                     CERTIFICATION OF THE JOURNAL                                                
Representative Coghill moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                   
journal for the 87th legislative day and House Journal Supplement                                   
No. 5 and Senate and House Joint Journal Supplement No. 15 be                                       
approved as certified by the Chief Clerk.  There being no objection, it                             
was so ordered.                                                                                     
                               * * * * *                                                         
Representative Kohring introduced Aaron Kohring, Guest Page, from                                   
                       MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE                                                  
HB 243                                                                                            
A message dated April 5, 2006, was read stating the Senate has passed                               
CSHB 243(FIN) with the following amendment and it is transmitted                                    
for consideration:                                                                                  
    SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 243(FIN)                                                    
    "An Act relating to the financial plan for the intertie between the                             
    Swan Lake and Tyee Lake hydroelectric projects; and providing                                   
    for an effective date."                                                                         
CSHB 243(FIN) is under Unfinished Business.                                                         
HB 149                                                                                            
A message dated April 5, 2006, was read stating the President has                                   
granted limited powers of free conference to the Senate members of                                  
the Conference Committee considering: