Legislature(2003 - 2004)

2003-05-20 House Journal

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2003-05-20                     House Journal                      Page 2009
Representative Guttenberg moved and asked unanimous consent to                                      
withdraw the motion.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                  
**The presence of Representatives Williams and Harris, who had been                                 
previously excused (page 2003), was noted.                                                          
The question being:  "Shall CSSB 149(RES) pass the House?"  The                                     
roll was taken with the following result:                                                           
CSSB 149(RES)                                                                                       
Third Reading                                                                                       
Final Passage                                                                                       
YEAS:  27   NAYS:  10   EXCUSED:  2   ABSENT:  1                                                  
Yeas:  Anderson, Chenault, Coghill, Dahlstrom, Fate, Foster, Gatto,                                 
Harris, Hawker, Heinze, Holm, Kohring, Kott, Lynn, Masek,                                           
McGuire, Meyer, Morgan, Ogg, Rokeberg, Samuels, Stoltze,                                            
Weyhrauch, Whitaker, Williams, Wilson, Wolf                                                         
Nays:  Berkowitz, Cissna, Crawford, Gara, Gruenberg, Guttenberg,                                    
Kapsner, Kerttula, Kookesh, Seaton                                                                  
Excused:  Croft, Joule                                                                              
Absent:  Moses                                                                                      
And so, CSSB 149(RES) passed the House.                                                             
Representative Gara gave notice of reconsideration of the vote on                                   
CSSB 149(RES).                                                                                      
SB 160                                                                                            
The following, which was advanced to third reading from the May 19,                                 
2003, calendar (page 1933), was read the third time:                                                
    CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 160(HES)                                                                 
    "An Act relating to civil liability for use or attempted use of an                              
    automated external defibrillator; and providing for an effective                                