Legislature(2001 - 2002)

2001-05-05 Senate Journal

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2001-05-05                     Senate Journal                      Page 1553
HB 177                                                                                            
The question to be reconsidered: "Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR                                        
HOUSE BILL NO. 177(RLS) am S "An Act regulating nongroup                                            
entities and certain tax-exempt organizations under Alaska's election                               
campaign finance statutes; and requiring disclosure of the true source                              
of campaign contributions" pass the Senate?" The roll was taken with                                
the following result:                                                                               
SCS CSHB 177(RLS) am S                                                                              
Third Reading - On Reconsideration                                                                  
YEAS:  14   NAYS:  6   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                   
Yeas:  Austerman, Cowdery, Donley, Green, Halford, Kelly, Leman,                                    
Pearce, Phillips, Taylor, Therriault, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                                       
Nays:  Davis, Ellis, Elton, Hoffman, Lincoln, Olson                                                 
and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 174(RLS) am                                             
S passed the Senate on reconsideration and was referred to the                                      
Secretary for engrossment.                                                                          
                  Second Reading of House Bills (continued)                                      
HB 242                                                                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 242(FIN) "An Act relating to                                                  
reemployment of and medical benefits for retired members of the                                     
teachers' retirement system and public employees' retirement system;                                
relating to the inclusion of cost-of-living differentials on compensation                           
and benefits under the public employees' retirement system; and                                     
providing for an effective date" was read the second time.                                          
Senator Kelly, Cochair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the                                   
adoption of the Finance Senate Committee Substitute offered on page                                 
1531. Senator Ellis objected, then withdrew his objection. There being                              
no further objections, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO.                                          
242(FIN) was adopted and read the second time.                                                      
Senator Leman moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be                                    
considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final                                 
passage. Senator Ellis objected.