Legislature(2001 - 2002)

2002-02-20 House Journal

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2002-02-20                     House Journal                      Page 2342
growth.  This bill continues to implement the Department of                                         
Corrections' multi-faceted plan to address the in-state needs for our                               
correctional facilities.                                                                            
I urge your prompt and favorable action on this bill.                                               
                                Tony Knowles                                                        
HB 498                                                                                            
HOUSE BILL NO. 498 by the House Finance Committee, entitled:                                        
     "An Act expressing legislative intent regarding privately operated                             
     correctional facility space and services; relating to the                                      
     development and financing of privately operated correctional                                   
     facility space and services; authorizing the Department of                                     
     Corrections to enter into an agreement for the confinement and                                 
     care of prisoners in privately operated correctional facility space;                           
     and providing for an effective date."                                                          
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs and Finance                               
**The presence of Representative Croft was noted.                                                   
                    CONSIDERATION OF THE DAILY CALENDAR                                          
                       SECOND READING OF HOUSE BILLS                                             
HB 307                                                                                            
The following was read the second time:                                                             
     HOUSE BILL NO. 307                                                                             
     "An Act delaying to June 30, 2007, the last date by which                                      
     hydrocarbon exploration geophysical work must be performed or                                  
     drilling of a stratigraphic test well or exploratory well must be                              
     completed in order for a person to qualify for an exploration                                  
     incentive credit."