Legislature(2001 - 2002)

2002-05-02 House Journal

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2002-05-02                     House Journal                      Page 3278
any other expenditure of funds should not reduce the amount                                         
appropriated under AS 37.13.145(b).                                                                 
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 304(2d RLS):                                             
2.  Zero, Dept. of Revenue                                                                          
HB 304 is on today's calendar.                                                                      
HB 464                                                                                            
The Rules Committee has considered:                                                                 
     HOUSE BILL NO. 464                                                                             
     "An Act relating to statewide school district correspondence study                             
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                 
     CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 464(RLS)                                                                 
     "An Act relating to statewide school district correspondence study                             
     and to centralized correspondence study."                                                      
The report was signed by Representative Kott, Chair, with the                                       
following individual recommendations:                                                               
Do pass (3):  McGuire, Kott, Kohring                                                                
No recommendation (3):  Joule, Morgan, Berkowitz                                                    
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 464(RLS):                                                
2.  Fiscal, Dept. of Education & Early Development                                                  
HB 464 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                                     
SCR 30                                                                                            
The Resources Committee has considered: