Legislature(2001 - 2002)

2002-08-14 House Journal

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2002-08-14                     House Journal                      Page 4081
HB 287                                                                                            
A message dated July 5, 2002, was received stating the Governor has                                 
signed the following bill and is transmitting the engrossed and enrolled                            
copies to the Lieutenant Governor's office for permanent filing:                                    
      CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 287(FIN)                                                                
      "An Act relating to the exemption of commercial fishing entry                                 
      permits from claims of creditors and execution on an interest in a                            
      limited entry permit; and providing for an effective date."                                   
      Chapter No. 138, SLA 2002                                                                     
      Effective Date:  July 6, 2002                                                                 
HB 288                                                                                            
A message dated July 5, 2002, was received stating the Governor has                                 
signed the following bill and is transmitting the engrossed and enrolled                            
copies to the Lieutenant Governor's office for permanent filing:                                    
      CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 288(FIN) am                                                             
      "An Act relating to commercial fishing limited entry permit buy-                              
      back programs, to a permit buy-back assessment, and to voluntary                              
      relinquishment of commercial fishing permits; and defining                                    
      'optimum number.'"                                                                            
      Chapter No. 135, SLA 2002                                                                     
      Effective Date:  October 3, 2002                                                              
HB 296                                                                                            
The following letter, dated July 5, 2002, was received:                                             
"Dear Speaker Porter:                                                                               
Under the authority vested in me by art. II, sec. 15, of the Alaska                                 
Constitution, I have vetoed the following bill:                                                     
      SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 296(JUD)                                                  
      "An Act relating to mergers and consolidations of municipalities."