Legislature(2001 - 2002)

2001-03-26 House Journal

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2001-03-26                     House Journal                      Page 0724
2.  Fiscal, Dept. of Community & Economic Development                                               
HB 81 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                                      
HB 115                                                                                            
The Health, Education & Social Services Committee has considered:                                   
    HOUSE BILL NO. 115                                                                              
    "An Act allowing a physician assistant or advanced nurse                                        
    practitioner to certify the need for emergency treatment as a result                            
    of intoxication."                                                                               
and recommends it be replaced with:                                                                 
    CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 115(HES)                                                                  
    "An Act relating to the definition of 'mental health professional'                              
    for certain mental health proceedings and treatments; relating to                               
    the services of certain medical professionals in civil proceedings                              
    for the commitment of certain intoxicated persons; allowing a                                   
    physician assistant or advanced nurse practitioner to certify the                               
    need for emergency treatment as a result of intoxication; and                                   
    providing for an effective date."                                                               
The report was signed by Representative Dyson, Chair, with the                                      
following individual recommendations:                                                               
Do pass (5):  Coghill, Wilson, Cissna, Joule, Stevens                                               
Amend (2):  Kohring, Dyson                                                                          
The following fiscal note(s) apply to CSHB 115(HES):                                                
1.  Zero, Dept. of Health & Social Services                                                         
HB 115 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                                     
HB 121                                                                                            
The Labor & Commerce Committee has considered: