Legislature(1999 - 2000)

1999-05-15 Senate Journal

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1999-05-15                     Senate Journal                      Page 1494
HB 109                                                                       
The question being: Shall SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE                           
BILL NO. 109(RES) An Act relating to management of fish and                    
game in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve and navigable                   
waters pass the Senate? The roll was taken with the following                  
SCS CSHB 109(RES)                                                              
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Ellis, Elton, Green, Halford, Hoffman, Kelly Pete,       
Kelly Tim, Leman, Lincoln, Mackie, Miller, Parnell, Pearce,                    
Phillips, Taylor, Torgerson, Ward, Wilken                                      
and so, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 109(RES)                           
passed the Senate.                                                             
Senator Ellis gave notice of reconsideration.                                  
HB 110                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 110(L&C) An Act relating to the                          
labeling of milk, cream, or any product or byproduct of milk or                
cream was read the second time.                                                
Senator Mackie, Chair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the               
adoption of the Labor and Commerce Senate Committee Substitute                 
offered on page 1388. Without objection, SENATE CS FOR CS                      
FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 110(L&C) was adopted and read the second                    
Senator Mackie moved and asked unanimous consent that the bill be              
considered engrossed, advanced to third reading and placed on final            
passage. Without objection, it was so ordered.                                 
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 110(L&C) was read                          
the third time.