Legislature(1999 - 2000)

1999-02-24 House Journal

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1999-02-24                     House Journal                      Page 0309
HB 109                                                                       
Representatives Williams, Phillips and Sanders added their names as            
cosponsors to:                                                                 
HOUSE BILL NO. 109                                                            
"An Act relating to management of fish and game in Glacier Bay                
National Park and Preserve and navigable waters."                              
SJR 5                                                                        
Representative Barnes added her name as cross sponsor to:                      
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 5 am                                              
Opposing the closure of the former Mount McKinley portions of                 
Denali National Park and Preserve to snowmachine use.                          
HB 27                                                                        
Reconsideration of the following was not taken up on this legislative          
day.  It was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk and              
transmitted to the Senate for consideration:                                   
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 27(HES)                                                 
"An Act relating to financial aid received for medical education              
and financial aid received by students participating in the Western            
Interstate Commission on Higher Education Professional Student                 
Exchange Program; relating to the Western Regional Higher                      
Education Compact; and providing for an effective date."                       
HB 71                                                                        
CSHB 71(CRA) was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk              
and transmitted to the Senate for consideration.                               
SCR 5                                                                        
SCR 5 am H was engrossed, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk                
and transmitted to the Senate for consideration.