Legislature(1997 - 1998)

1997-07-10 Senate Journal

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1997-07-10                     Senate Journal                      Page 2074
SB 178                                                                       
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 178(FIN) am H                                          
An Act stating legislative intent regarding parking,                          
maintenance, leasing, and other requirements for a                             
certain building acquired by the state in downtown                             
Anchorage; relating to the purchase by the Alaska                              
Housing Finance Corporation of an office building                              
in Anchorage; and providing for an effective date.                             
		Chapter 51, SLA 1997                                                         
		Effective Date: 5/30/97                                                      
SB 103                                                                       
Message dated and received May 30, stating the Governor signed the             
following bill and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled copies to            
the Lieutenant Governors Office for permanent filing:                          
HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO.                                           
An Act relating to hearings before and fees for the                           
State Commission for Human Rights; and providing                               
for an effective date.                                                         
		Chapter 52, SLA 1997                                                         
		Effective Date: 5/31/97                                                      
HB 18                                                                        
Message dated and received May 30, stating the Governor signed the             
following bill and transmitted the engrossed and enrolled copies to            
the Lieutenant Governors Office for permanent filing:                          
HOUSE BILL NO. 18 am S                                                        
An Act extending to certain partnerships and                                  
corporations the 10 percent procurement preference                             
currently given to certain sole proprietorships who                            
are Alaska bidders and owned by persons with                                   
		Chapter 53, SLA 1997                                                         
		Effective Date: 8/28/97