Legislature(1997 - 1998)

1997-01-13 House Journal

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1997-01-13                     House Journal                      Page 0010
Health, Education & Social Services:  Bunde, Chair; Green, Vice                
Chair; Vezey, Porter, Dyson, Kemplen, Brice                                    
Labor & Commerce:  Rokeberg, Chair; Cowdery, Hudson, Sanders,                  
Ryan, Croft, Kubina                                                            
Transportation:  Williams, Chair; Masek, Vice Chair; Cowdery,                  
Hudson, Sanders, Elton, Kookesh                                                
House Special Committee on Oil and Gas (HR 5):  Hodgins, Chair;                
Ogan, Rokeberg, Ryan, Bunde, Brice, Kemplen                                    
House Special Committee on Economic Development (HR 1):                        
Sanders, Chair; Hodgins, Ivan, Williams, Austerman, Kemplen,                   
House Special Committee on International Trade & Tourism (HR 3):               
Cowdery, Chair; Barnes, Mulder, Kott, Phillips, Joule, Kubina                  
House Special Committee on Fisheries (HR 6):  Austerman, Chair;                
Ivan, Hodgins, Ogan, Kubina                                                    
House Special Committee on Military & Veterans' Affairs (HR 4):                
Masek, Chair; Ryan, Kott, Mulder, Foster, Joule, Nicholia                      
House Special Committee on World Trade and State/Federal Relations             
(HR 2):  Barnes, Chair; Austerman, Vice Chair; Kott, Cowdery,                  
Phillips, Nicholia, Kubina                                                     
Legislative Budget & Audit:  Martin, Vice Chair; Bunde, James,                 
Therriault, Croft, Hanley (alternate)                                          
Legislative Council:  Barnes, Chair; Phillips, Kott, Porter, Ogan,             
Masek, Kubina                                                                  
Committee on Committees:  Phillips, Chair; Green, Barnes, Kott,                
Porter, Kubina, Elton                                                          
Administrative Regulation Review:  James, Chair; Austerman, Croft              
The report was signed by Representative Phillips, Chair; and                   
Representatives Porter, Kott, Green, Barnes, Kubina and Elton