Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1994-05-02 Senate Journal

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1994-05-02                     Senate Journal                      Page 4257
                      HOUSE RESOLUTIONS IN THIRD READING                     
HJR 50                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 50(RES) was before                           
the Senate in third reading on reconsideration.                                
The question to be reconsidered:  "Shall CS FOR HOUSE JOINT                    
RESOLUTION NO. 50(RES) Relating to the North Pacific Fishery                   
Management Council comprehensive rationalization plan, pass the                
Senate?"  The roll was taken with the following result:                        
CSHJR 50(RES)                                                                  
Third Reading - On Reconsideration                                             
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  0   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Duncan, Ellis, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly,             
Kerttula, Leman, Lincoln, Little, Miller, Pearce, Phillips, Rieger,            
Salo, Sharp, Taylor, Zharoff                                                   
and so, CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 50(RES)                              
passed the Senate on reconsideration.                                          
CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 50(RES) was signed                           
by the President and Secretary and returned to the House.                      
                             UNFINISHED BUSINESS                             
SB 101                                                                       
Senator Donley requested that the reconsideration on CS FOR                    
SENATE BILL NO. 101(FIN)(title am) "An Act relating to interim                 
assistance under the adult public assistance program; requiring the            
Department of Health and Social Services to consult with the                   
Department of Education in order to develop an application process             
and disability determination system to implement the adult public              
assistance program" be taken up.