Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1994-07-15 House Journal

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1994-07-15                     House Journal                      Page 4457
HB 4                                                                         
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 4(JUD)                                                  
"An Act relating to failure to report harm or assaults of the elderly         
or disabled."                                                                  
HB 78                                                                        
The following was enrolled, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk,             
President and Secretary of the Senate, and the engrossed and enrolled          
copies were transmitted to the Office of the Governor at 10:30 a.m.,           
May 17, 1994:                                                                  
HOUSE BILL NO. 78                                                             
"An Act relating to the testimony of children in certain criminal             
proceedings; and providing for an effective date."                             
HB 119                                                                       
The following was enrolled, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk,             
President and Secretary of the Senate, and the engrossed and enrolled          
copies were transmitted to the Office of the Governor at 10:30 a.m.,           
May 17, 1994:                                                                  
SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 119(FIN)                                  
"An Act authorizing a sentencing court to impose a sentence of a              
day fine instead of a sentence of imprisonment on a defendant                  
convicted of a misdemeanor; directing the Alaska Supreme Court                 
to develop and implement a day fine plan; requiring the Alaska                 
Court System to report to the legislature on the use of day fines;             
amending Alaska Rule of Criminal Procedure 32; and providing                   
for an effective date."                                                        
HB 128                                                                       
The following was enrolled, signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk,             
President and Secretary of the Senate, and the engrossed and enrolled          
copies were transmitted to the Office of the Governor at 10:30 a.m.,           
May 17, 1994: