
SB 60: "An Act establishing the sport fishing hatchery facilities account; establishing the sport fishing facility surcharge; and providing for an effective date."

00 SENATE BILL NO. 60 01 "An Act establishing the sport fishing hatchery facilities account; establishing the sport 02 fishing facility surcharge; and providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 16.05.130 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 05 (h) Money accruing to the state from the sport fishing facility surcharge 06 imposed under AS 16.05.340(l) shall be deposited in a separate account known as the 07 sport fishing hatchery facilities account within the fish and game fund. Money in the 08 sport fishing hatchery facilities account shall be allocated to ongoing maintenance and 09 operation of the department's sport fish hatchery facilities and sport fishing stock 10 enhancement intended to directly benefit license purchasers. 11 * Sec. 2. AS 16.05.340(i) is amended to read: 12 (i) If the commissioner determines that residents of the state are entitled to 13 obtain licenses for sport fishing, including sport fishing for anadromous king salmon, 14 in Yukon, Canada, for the same fees that are charged to residents of Yukon for

01 comparable sport fishing licenses, the commissioner may adopt regulations 02 authorizing residents of Yukon to receive 03 (1) nonresident annual sport fishing licenses for the fees charged to 04 residents under (a) and (l) of this section for a resident sport fishing license; and 05 (2) nonresident anadromous king salmon annual tags for the fee 06 charged to residents under (a) of this section for a resident anadromous king salmon 07 tag. 08 * Sec. 3. AS 16.05.340 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 09 (l) In addition to the fees for a sport fishing license set out in (a) and (d) of this 10 section, each person who purchases a sport fishing license shall pay a sport fishing 11 facility surcharge as set out in this subsection for the purpose of providing funding for 12 ongoing maintenance and operation of the department's fish hatchery facilities and 13 sport fishing stock enhancement. A person who is eligible for a $5 resident hunting, 14 trapping, and sport fishing license under (a)(6) of this section or a free license under 15 AS 16.05.341 is exempt from payment of the surcharge imposed under this subsection. 16 The surcharge authorized by this subsection shall take effect on the date established by 17 regulation by the commissioner. The amount of the surcharge attached to each sport 18 fishing license must be clearly disclosed on the sport fishing license. The amount of 19 the sport fishing facility surcharge to be paid for each sport fishing license is as 20 follows: 21 (1) resident sport fishing license ................. $ 4 22 (2) resident hunting and sport fishing license ............. 4 23 (3) resident hunting, trapping, and sport fishing license ...... 4 24 (4) nonresident 14-day sport fishing license ............. 25 25 (5) nonresident seven-day sport fishing license ........... 20 26 (6) nonresident three-day sport fishing license ........... 10 27 (7) nonresident one-day sport fishing license ............. 5 28 (8) nonresident annual sport fishing license ............. 40 29 (9) special nonresident military small game and sport fishing license . 30 ...................................................... 4 31 (10) special nonresident military sport fishing license ....... 4.

01 * Sec. 4. This Act takes effect July 1, 2021.