
HB 154: "An Act exempting certain low voltage projects from contractor and electrical administrator requirements."

00 HOUSE BILL NO. 154 01 "An Act exempting certain low voltage projects from contractor and electrical 02 administrator requirements." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 08.18.161 is amended to read: 05 Sec. 08.18.161. Exemptions. To the extent that this chapter governs 06 contractors, this chapter does not apply to 07 (1) an authorized representative of the United States government, the 08 state, or a political subdivision or agency of the state; 09 (2) an officer of a court when acting within the scope of office; 10 (3) a public utility operating under the regulations of the Regulatory 11 Commission of Alaska in construction, maintenance, or development work incidental 12 to its own business; 13 (4) a construction, repair, or operation incidental to the discovering or 14 producing of petroleum or gas, or the drilling, testing, abandoning, or other operation

01 of a petroleum or gas well or a surface or underground mine or mineral deposit when 02 performed by an owner or lessee; 03 (5) the sale or installation of finished products, materials, or articles of 04 merchandise that are not actually fabricated into and do not become a permanent, 05 fixed part of a structure; 06 (6) construction, alteration, or repair of personal property; 07 (7) a person who only furnished materials, supplies, or equipment 08 without fabricating them into, or consuming them in the performance of, the work of 09 the contractor; 10 (8) an owner who contracts for a project with a registered contractor; 11 (9) a person working on an existing structure on that person's own 12 property, whether occupied by the person or not, and a person working on that 13 person's own existing residence, whether owned by the person or not; 14 (10) an owner or tenant of commercial property who uses the owner's 15 or tenant's own employees to do maintenance, repair, and alteration work on that 16 property; 17 (11) an owner who acts as the owner's own contractor and in doing so 18 performs the work independently or hires workers or subcontractors, purchases 19 materials, and, as such, sees to the paying for all labor, subcontractors, and materials; 20 in this case, the owner shall be limited to construction of one home, duplex, triplex, 21 four-plex, or commercial building every two years; an owner who advertises the 22 structure under construction for sale or sells the structure during the period of 23 construction or within two years after the period of construction begins shall file, on 24 forms provided by the department, a notice indicating that the owner is not engaged in 25 a business for which the owner is required to register as a contractor under this 26 chapter; for the purposes of this paragraph, construction begins on the date that is the 27 earlier of when the owner 28 (A) begins the actual construction work; or 29 (B) enters into an agreement with another person for the other 30 person to provide labor, to act as a subcontractor, or to provide materials for 31 the construction;

01 (12) a person performing construction work incidental to farming, 02 dairying, agriculture, horticulture, stock or poultry raising, mining, logging, fishing, 03 clearing, or other work on the land in rural districts for fire prevention purposes, or 04 access road building, unless the person is a licensee; 05 (13) work on a low voltage project under one or more contracts, 06 the aggregate contract price of which is less than $10,000; this exemption does 07 not apply when the work is only a part of a larger or major operation, whether 08 undertaken by the same or a different contractor, or when the work is divided 09 into contracts of amounts less than $10,000 for the purpose of evasion of this 10 chapter or otherwise; a contractor who performs work priced at $2,500 or more 11 under this exemption shall maintain public liability and property damage 12 insurance with coverage in at least the amounts set out in AS 08.18.101; in this 13 paragraph, 14 (A) "aggregate contract price" includes labor, materials, 15 and other items for all contracts entered into for a project; 16 (B) "low voltage" means 56 volts or less. 17 * Sec. 2. AS 08.40.190(b) is amended to read: 18 (b) AS 08.40.005 - 08.40.200 do not apply to a person engaged in 19 (1) the manufacture, maintenance, or repair of electrical apparatus or 20 equipment; 21 (2) electrical work, the cost of which does not exceed $5,000, 22 involving residences or small commercial establishments in communities that 23 (A) have a population of under 500 according to the latest 24 available federal or state census or other census approved by the department; 25 or 26 (B) are over 50 miles by air or water transportation from the 27 business place of an electrical administrator licensed under AS 08.40.005 - 28 08.40.200; 29 (3) electrical installation on residential property that is owned by the 30 installer or a member of the installer's immediate family and not intended for sale at 31 the time of making the installation;

01 (4) the operation, maintenance, or repair of a television or radio 02 broadcasting system and the installation of a radio broadcasting system under 500 03 watts input power except for A.C. power supply and wiring; 04 (5) the installation, maintenance, and repair of elevators so long as the 05 work is performed by an agent or employee of the elevator industry and is confined to 06 the elevator control system, which system does not include the power supply, wiring, 07 and motor connection; 08 (6) the operation, maintenance, and repair of telephone and 09 intercommunication facilities; 10 (7) the installation, maintenance, and repair of fire alarm, intrusion 11 alarm, or other low voltage signaling systems of 48 volts to ground or less; 12 (8) the maintenance or repair of diesel electric engines installed on 13 heavy construction equipment, either in a shop or on a job site; 14 (9) the installation in a commercial water well of the submersible 15 pump motor and the wiring to the well pump system controls if the controls are 16 outside a building or a structure; 17 (10) the installation in a noncommercial water well of the submersible 18 pump motor and the wiring to the well pump system controls; 19 (11) electrical maintenance or repair work if the work is performed by 20 the person as an employee of an owner or tenant of commercial property as part of the 21 employee's work duties with respect to the property but is not offered or performed as 22 a service to the public; 23 (12) the installation, maintenance, and repair of low voltage 24 telecommunications, broadband transmission, and video services; in this 25 paragraph, 26 (A) "broadband transmission" means a transmission that 27 has a large range of radio frequencies that can simultaneously transport 28 multiple signals and different types of signals; 29 (B) "low voltage" means 56 volts or less.