
Enrolled HR 6: Encouraging the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority to develop its land and resources to the fullest extent possible consistent with its legal and moral responsibility to advance mental health services and employment opportunities that protect and enhance the lives of those who benefit from the mental health trust.

00Enrolled HR 6 01 Encouraging the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority to develop its land and resources to 02 the fullest extent possible consistent with its legal and moral responsibility to advance mental 03 health services and employment opportunities that protect and enhance the lives of those who 04 benefit from the mental health trust. 05 _______________ 06 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: 07 WHEREAS the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority is the trustee of the trust 08 established under the Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act of 1956, P.L. 84-830, 70 Stat. 709; 09 and 10 WHEREAS the mental health trust was established with more than 1,000,000 acres of 11 land and $200,000,000 to serve the beneficiaries of the trust with services related to mental 12 health and to enable the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority to act as a catalyst for change 13 in the systems and services that serve the beneficiaries of the trust; and 14 WHEREAS many of Alaska's most vulnerable citizens, who experience mental 15 illness, developmental disabilities, Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, alcohol and 16 substance addictions, traumatic brain injuries, and other mental health disabilities, are

01 beneficiaries of the mental health trust; and 02 WHEREAS many of these vulnerable Alaskans suffer neglect; sexual, physical, and 03 emotional abuse; homelessness; and exposure to domestic violence; and 04 WHEREAS many communities lack adequate mental health care and treatment 05 facilities; and 06 WHEREAS employment opportunities, treatment, education, and housing for 07 beneficiaries of the mental health trust are particularly limited in the rural areas of the state; 08 and 09 WHEREAS the lack of jobs in the rural areas of the state contributes to unlawful 10 behavior, feelings of despair, and, in extreme cases, suicide; and 11 WHEREAS more than 40 percent of the offenders in Alaska's correctional facilities 12 are beneficiaries of the mental health trust; and 13 WHEREAS many of the beneficiaries of the mental health trust who have access to 14 an adequate support program are capable of being employed; and 15 WHEREAS prevention and early intervention by mental health organizations can 16 prevent more costly institutional and intensive care; and 17 WHEREAS the costs of providing mental health care services are increasing; and 18 WHEREAS the Department of Health and Social Services, the Alaska Mental Health 19 Trust Authority, and other partner organizations work cooperatively to plan, budget, and 20 implement an integrated and comprehensive mental health program for the state; and 21 WHEREAS the ability of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority to assist the state 22 in developing a better mental health program is largely dependent on the authority's ability to 23 generate revenue from the land and natural resources of the trust; and 24 WHEREAS development of the land held by the mental health trust creates jobs for 25 beneficiaries of the mental health trust and other Alaskans; 26 BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives encourages the Alaska Mental 27 Health Trust Authority to develop its land and resources to the fullest extent possible, 28 consistent with its legal and moral responsibility to advance mental health services and 29 employment opportunities that protect and enhance the lives of those who benefit from the 30 mental health trust.