
CSSB 261(TRA): "An Act relating to the designation of traffic safety corridors; relating to the bail or fine for an offense committed in a traffic safety corridor and to separately accounting for such fines; and providing for an effective date."

00 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 261(TRA) 01 "An Act relating to the designation of traffic safety corridors; relating to the bail or fine 02 for an offense committed in a traffic safety corridor and to separately accounting for 03 such fines; and providing for an effective date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 19.10 is amended by adding a new section to read: 06 Sec. 19.10.075. Designation of traffic safety corridors; fines. (a) To promote 07 traffic safety, the department may designate a portion of a highway to be a traffic 08 safety corridor. The commissioner shall establish criteria for the designation and 09 continuation of traffic safety corridors. In establishing the criteria, the commissioner 10 may consider accident data and reports, the type and volume of vehicular traffic, 11 engineering and traffic studies, and other relevant factors. Before the department 12 designates a traffic safety corridor, the commissioner shall consult with the 13 commissioner of public safety and may consult with other local, state, and federal 14 agencies with responsibility for traffic safety. A motor vehicle or traffic offense

01 committed in a traffic safety corridor is subject to a double fine as provided in 02 AS 28.40.070. The department shall erect signs designating traffic safety corridors and 03 alerting the public that motor vehicle and traffic offenses committed within a corridor 04 are subject to double fines. A claim for damages may not be made against the state or 05 its officers, employees, or agents for an act or omission relating to the designation of 06 and erection of signs regarding a traffic safety corridor. 07 (b) The legislature may appropriate 50 percent of the fines for offenses 08 committed in a traffic safety corridor imposed under AS 28.40.070 and collected and 09 separately accounted for by the state under AS 37.05.142, to the division of the 10 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities responsible for highway safety 11 planning, for highway safety programs. 12 * Sec. 2. AS 28.05.151(d) is amended to read: 13 (d) The supreme court, in establishing scheduled amounts of bail under this 14 section, and each municipality that establishes or has established a fine schedule under 15 this section shall provide that the scheduled amount of bail or fine, as applicable, for a 16 motor vehicle or traffic offense that is committed in a highway work zone or traffic 17 safety corridor shall be double the amount of the bail or fine for the offense if it had 18 not been committed in a highway work zone or traffic safety corridor. 19 * Sec. 3. AS 28.40.070 is amended to read: 20 Sec. 28.40.070. Fines for offenses committed within highway work zones 21 and traffic safety corridors doubled. Whenever a person violates a provision of this 22 title or a regulation adopted under the authority of this title within a highway work 23 zone or traffic safety corridor, notwithstanding the amount of the fine or the 24 maximum fine set under this title, the fine, or maximum fine, is double the amount 25 provided in this title. 26 * Sec. 4. AS 28.40.070 is amended by adding new subsections to read: 27 (b) Fines imposed and collected under this section for offenses that are 28 committed in a traffic safety corridor shall be separately accounted for under 29 AS 37.05.142. 30 (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of (b) of this section and AS 37.05.142, 31 the Alaska Court System shall deposit fines collected under this section for offenses

01 committed in a traffic safety corridor in the general fund if the fine is collected at a 02 court location where separate accounting for traffic safety corridor fines is not 03 achievable. 04 (d) The administrative director of the Alaska Court System shall notify the 05 Department of Administration 06 (1) of court locations where separate accounting under (b) of this 07 section is not achievable; and 08 (2) when a court location identified under (1) of this subsection 09 becomes able to separately account for fines under (b) of this section. 10 * Sec. 5. AS 28.40.100(a) is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: 11 (27) "traffic safety corridor" means a portion of a highway on which 12 signs have been erected designating that portion as a traffic safety corridor under 13 AS 19.10.075. 14 * Sec. 6. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).