
SB 3: "An Act relating to the accrual of personal leave for certain former state officers; and providing for an effective date."

00 SENATE BILL NO. 3 01 "An Act relating to the accrual of personal leave for certain former state officers; and 02 providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 39.20.310 is amended to read: 05 Sec. 39.20.310. Exceptions. AS 39.20.200 - 39.20.330 do not apply to 06 (1) members of the state legislature, the governor, the lieutenant 07 governor, and justices and judges of the supreme and superior courts and of the court 08 of appeals; however, 09 (A) [, BUT] nothing in AS 39.20.200 - 39.20.330 may be 10 construed to diminish the salaries fixed by law for these officers by reason of 11 absence from duty on account of illness or otherwise; and 12 (B) in determining years of service for the purpose of 13 computing personal leave under AS 39.20.200, the department shall 14 include the time the person worked in the positions described in this

01 paragraph as service with the Territory and State of Alaska; 02 (2) magistrates serving the state on less than a full-time basis; 03 (3) officers, members of the teaching staff, and employees of the 04 University of Alaska; 05 (4) [REPEALED 06 (5)] persons employed in a professional capacity to make a temporary 07 and special inquiry, study, or examination as authorized by the governor, the 08 legislature, or a legislative committee; 09 (5) [(6)] members of boards, commissions, and authorities who are not 10 otherwise employed by the state; 11 (6) [(7)] temporary employees hired for periods of less than 12 12 consecutive months; 13 (7) [(8)] persons employed by the division of marine transportation as 14 masters and members of the crews operating the state ferry system who are covered by 15 collective bargaining agreements as provided in AS 23.40.040, except as expressly 16 provided by law; 17 (8) [(9)] persons employed by the state who are covered by collective 18 bargaining agreements as provided in AS 23.40.210, except as expressly provided by 19 law. 20 * Sec. 2. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 21 read: 22 APPLICABILITY AND RETROACTIVITY. The amendments to AS 39.20.310(1) 23 made by sec. 1 of this Act apply to a state employee who is employed on or after the effective 24 date of this Act and apply to the employee's entire period of service as a state officer 25 described in AS 39.20.310(1) and as a state employee and, to the extent it includes service 26 before the effective date of this Act, are retrospective in their effect. 27 * Sec. 3. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 28 read: 29 REVISOR'S INSTRUCTION. The revisor of statutes is instructed to renumber 30 paragraph references in AS 39.20.245(b) and 39.20.270 to conform those references to the 31 renumbering of paragraphs in AS 39.20.310, amended by sec. 1 of this Act, to reflect the

01 elimination of former paragraph (4). 02 * Sec. 4. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).