
HB 286: "An Act amending the manner of determining the royalty received by the state on gas production by directing the commissioner of natural resources to accept, under certain circumstances, the transfer price of the gas if established by transfer price order of the Regulatory Commission of Alaska; and providing for an effective date."

00 HOUSE BILL NO. 286 01 "An Act amending the manner of determining the royalty received by the state on gas 02 production by directing the commissioner of natural resources to accept, under certain 03 circumstances, the transfer price of the gas if established by transfer price order of the 04 Regulatory Commission of Alaska; and providing for an effective date." 05 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 06 * Section 1. AS 38.05.180(aa) is amended to read: 07 (aa) Within 90 days after the written request of a lessee of a lease issued under 08 this section or of a lessee of federal land from which the state is entitled under 09 applicable federal law to receive a share of the royalty on gas production, the 10 commissioner shall enter into an agreement with the lessee to use or accept, as the 11 value of the state's royalty share of gas production, the price for the gas established 12 in the contract between the lessee and a gas or electric utility [AS THE VALUE OF 13 THE STATE'S ROYALTY SHARE OF GAS PRODUCTION] sold by the lessee 14 under the contract or the transfer price between the lessee and a gas or electric

01 utility for a transfer by the lessee under an order establishing the transfer price 02 (1) but only if the primary function of the utility with which the lessee 03 has entered into the contract or transfer is to provide, either directly or by selling at 04 wholesale to another utility, gas or electricity to the general public, including 05 residential consumers, within the utilities' service areas, and the utility with which the 06 lessee has entered into 07 (A) the contract is not an affiliated interest, as that term is 08 defined in AS 42.05.990, with the lessee or with a subsequent purchaser of 09 more than 10 percent of the utility's gas or electricity; or 10 (B) the transfer is an affiliated interest, as that term is 11 defined in AS 42.05.990, and the transfer price between the lessee and the 12 utility is established by an order of the Regulatory Commission of Alaska; 13 and 14 (2) unless the commissioner makes a written finding, based on clear 15 and convincing evidence, that 16 (A) the contract price or transfer price is unreasonably low; 17 (B) the prospective reduction in royalty receipts would not be 18 balanced by increased benefits to in-state gas and electric consumers; 19 (C) the lessee and the utility are related in management, 20 ownership, or other aspect and, in the case of a transfer price, that 21 relationship is not regulated under AS 42.05; and 22 (D) the contract price or transfer price is not in the best 23 interest of the state. 24 * Sec. 2. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).