
SB 167: "An Act relating to introduction of measures in the legislature; and providing for an effective date."

00 SENATE BILL NO. 167 01 "An Act relating to introduction of measures in the legislature; and providing for an 02 effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 24.08.035(a) is amended to read: 05 (a) Before a bill or resolution, except an appropriation bill, is reported from 06 the committee of first referral, there shall be attached to the bill a fiscal note 07 containing an estimate of the amount of the appropriation increase or decrease that 08 would result from enactment of the bill for the current fiscal year and five succeeding 09 fiscal years or, if the bill has no fiscal impact, a statement to that effect shall be 10 attached. The fiscal note or statement shall be prepared in conformity with the 11 requirements of this section by the department or departments affected and may be 12 reviewed by the office of management and budget. The fiscal note or statement shall 13 be delivered to the committee requesting it within five days of the request or within 14 two days if the request is made after the 90th day of a regular session, or during a

01 special session of the legislature. If the bill is introduced [PRESENTED] by the 02 governor [FOR INTRODUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH AS 24.08.060(b) AND 03 THE UNIFORM RULES OF THE LEGISLATURE], the fiscal note or statement shall 04 be attached to the bill when it [BEFORE THE BILL] is introduced. An amendment 05 or a substitute bill proposed by a committee of referral that changes the fiscal impact 06 of a bill shall be explained in a revised fiscal note or statement attached to the bill. 07 * Sec. 2. AS 24.20.460 is amended to read: 08 Sec. 24.20.460. Powers. The Administrative Regulation Review Committee 09 has the following powers: 10 (1) to organize and adopt rules for the conduct of its business; 11 (2) to hold public hearings; 12 (3) to require all state officials and agencies of state government to 13 give full cooperation to the committee or its staff in assembling and furnishing 14 requested information; 15 (4) to examine all administrative regulations, including proposed 16 regulations, amendments, and orders of repeal, to determine if they properly 17 implement legislative intent and to provide comments on them to the governor and 18 state agencies; 19 (5) to make recommendations for legislative annulment of 20 administrative regulations under AS 44.62.320; 21 (6) to prepare and distribute reports, memoranda, or other materials; 22 (7) to promote needed revision or repeal of regulations that have been 23 adopted by state departments and agencies and, when the committee determines a 24 regulation should be repealed or amended, to request the committee chair to 25 introduce a bill that would enact a statute that would supersede or nullify the 26 regulation; 27 (8) to investigate findings that are transmitted to the committee by a 28 standing committee in accordance with AS 24.05.182 and, as appropriate, to either 29 request the chair of the standing committee to introduce a bill annulling the 30 regulation or exercise the committee's power to suspend the effectiveness of the 31 regulation in accordance with AS 24.20.445.

01 * Sec. 3. AS 24.08.060 is repealed. 02 * Sec. 4. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 03 read: 04 APPLICABILITY. Sections 1 - 3 of this Act do not apply to or affect the status of 05 measures that are introduced during the Twenty-Third Legislature before the effective date of 06 this Act. 07 * Sec. 5. This Act takes effect January 12, 2004.