
CSSB 187(FIN): "An Act relating to absentee and special needs voting."

00 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 187(FIN) 01 "An Act relating to absentee and special needs voting." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 15.20.045(b) is amended to read: 04 (b) The director may designate by regulation adopted under AS 44.62 05 (Administrative Procedure Act) locations at which absentee voting stations will be 06 operated on or after the 15th day before an election up to and including the date 07 of the election [ON ELECTION DAY AND ON OTHER DATES AND AT TIMES 08 TO BE DESIGNATED BY THE DIRECTOR]. The director shall supply absentee 09 voting stations with ballots for all house districts in the state and shall designate 10 absentee voting officials to serve at absentee voting stations. 11 * Sec. 2. AS 15.20.050 is amended to read: 12 Sec. 15.20.050. Requirement of full public notice. The director shall give 13 full public notice of the dates and manner of voting absentee and may select any 14 means of communication permitted to be used in giving notice of the date and time of 15 the general election. The director shall give notice under this section of the

01 location of absentee voting stations at least 45 days before each election. 02 * Sec. 3. AS 15.20.061(a) is amended to read: 03 (a) A qualified voter may apply in person for an absentee ballot to the 04 following election officials at the times specified: 05 (1) to an absentee voting official on or after the 15th day before an 06 election up to and including the date of the election; 07 (2) to an election supervisor 08 [(A) AFTER A DATE ANNOUNCED BY THE DIRECTOR 09 UNDER AS 15.20.048(b); AND 10 (B)] on or after the 15th day before an election up to and 11 including the date of the election; 12 (3) to an absentee voting official at an absentee voting station 13 designated under AS 15.20.045(b) on or after the 15th day before an election up to 14 and including the date of the election [AT ANY TIME WHEN THE ABSENTEE 15 VOTING STATION IS OPERATING]; 16 (4) to an absentee voting official in the precinct in which no volunteers 17 can be located to serve on the election board on or after the 15th day before an election 18 up to and including election day. 19 * Sec. 4. AS 15.20.072(b) is amended to read: 20 (b) The voter may, through a representative, request a special needs ballot 21 from the following election officials at the times specified: 22 (1) from an absentee voting official on or after the 15th day before an 23 election, up to and including election day; 24 (2) from an election supervisor 25 [(A) AFTER A DATE ANNOUNCED BY THE DIRECTOR 26 UNDER AS 15.20.048(b); AND 27 (B)] on or after the 15th day before an election up to and 28 including election day; 29 (3) from an absentee voting official at an absentee voting station 30 designated under AS 15.20.045(b) on or after the 15th day before an election up to 31 and including the date of the election [AT A TIME WHEN THE ABSENTEE

01 VOTING STATION IS IN OPERATION]; or 02 (4) from a member of the precinct election board on election day. 03 * Sec. 5. AS 15.20.048(b) is repealed.