
HB 384: "An Act establishing the Legislative Road Development Task Force; and providing for an effective date."

00HOUSE BILL NO. 384 01 "An Act establishing the Legislative Road Development Task Force; and providing 02 for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new 05 section to read: 06 LEGISLATIVE ROAD DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE. (a) There is established 07 in the legislative branch of state government the Legislative Road Development Task Force. 08 The task force shall consist of nine voting members, as follows: 09 (1) one member designated by the Alaska Trucking Association, Inc.; 10 (2) one member designated by the International Union of Operating Engineers, 11 Local 302; 12 (3) one member who is a civil engineer designated by the State Board of 13 Registration for Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors; 14 (4) one member designated by the Alaska State Chamber of Commerce;

01 (5) one member designated by the Associated General Contractors of Alaska; 02 (6) one public member jointly appointed by the President of the Senate and the 03 Speaker of the House of Representatives; 04 (7) one public member jointly appointed by the President of the Senate and the 05 Speaker of the House of Representatives who resides in a rural area outside the area that is 06 directly connected to Anchorage by road; 07 (8) one member appointed by the President of the Senate from among the 08 members of the Senate; 09 (9) one member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives 10 from among the members of the House of Representatives. 11 (b) The commissioner of transportation and public facilities or the commissioner's 12 designee and the commissioner of community and economic development or the 13 commissioner's designee shall serve as nonvoting members of the task force. 14 (c) The legislator members of the task force shall serve as co-chairs of the task force. 15 The staff of the legislator members of the task force shall serve as staff to the task force. 16 (d) The task force shall identify roads that are important to the future economic 17 development of the state, study the feasibility of developing or upgrading those roads in order 18 to promote the future economic development of the state, research existing plans to develop 19 or upgrade those roads, determine the availability and source of funds to develop or upgrade 20 those roads, and establish a priority ranking for projects to develop or upgrade roads identified 21 by the task force. 22 (e) The task force shall place particular emphasis on reviewing the following road 23 projects to determine whether the road projects should be identified as important to the future 24 economic development of the state: 25 (1) Williamsport Road from Illiamna Bay to Pile Bay; 26 (2) a road to the Pogo Mine; 27 (3) Rock Creek Road in the Nome area; 28 (4) a road to Tazlina Lake; 29 (5) a road from Wasilla to Bethel; 30 (6) a road from Wasilla to Tyonek; 31 (7) a road along the west shore of Cook Inlet;

01 (8) a road to Nome; 02 (9) a road to Cordova; 03 (10) a road to Ruby; 04 (11) a road to Fort Yukon; 05 (12) Donlin Creek Road; 06 (13) a road to Dillingham; 07 (14) a road around the northern end of Lake Illiamna; 08 (15) upgrading the Dalton Highway. 09 (f) The task force shall meet as frequently as its members determine necessary to 10 perform its work. The task force may meet and vote by teleconference. 11 (g) The members of the task force appointed under (a)(1) - (7) of this section are not 12 eligible for compensation but are entitled to per diem and travel expenses authorized for 13 boards and commissions under AS 39.20.180. 14 (h) The task force shall submit a written report of its findings and recommendations 15 to the legislature and the governor before the Twenty-Second Alaska State Legislature 16 convenes. 17 * Sec. 2. This Act is repealed on the first legislative day of the Twenty-Second Alaska 18 State Legislature. 19 * Sec. 3. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).