
SCS CSHB 191(HES): "An Act relating to charter schools."

00SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 191(HES) 01 "An Act relating to charter schools." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 14.03.250(a) is amended to read: 04  (a) A charter school may be established as provided under AS 14.03.250 - 05 14.03.290 upon the approval of the local school board and the state Board of 06 Education of an application for a charter school. The state Board of Education may 07 not approve more than 60 [30] charter schools to operate in the state at any one time 08 [AND SHALL APPROVE CHARTER SCHOOLS IN A GEOGRAPHICALLY 09 BALANCED MANNER AS FOLLOWS: NOT MORE THAN 10 SCHOOLS IN 10 ANCHORAGE; NOT MORE THAN FIVE SCHOOLS IN FAIRBANKS; NOT MORE 11 THAN THREE SCHOOLS IN THE MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH; NOT 12 MORE THAN THREE SCHOOLS IN THE KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH; NOT 13 MORE THAN TWO SCHOOLS IN THE CITY AND BOROUGH OF JUNEAU; NOT 14 MORE THAN SEVEN SCHOOLS LOCATED IN OTHER AREAS OF THE STATE,

01 AND THESE SEVEN SCHOOLS SHALL BE ALLOCATED AS NEARLY 02 AS POSSIBLE IN A GEOGRAPHICALLY BALANCED MANNER THROUGHOUT 03 THE REST OF THE STATE]. 04 * Sec. 2. AS 14.03.255(c) is amended to read: 05  (c) A charter school shall operate under a contract between the charter school 06 and the local school board. A contract must contain the following provisions: 07  (1) a description of the educational program; 08  (2) specific levels of achievement for the education program; 09  (3) admission policies and procedures; 10  (4) administrative policies; 11  (5) a statement of the charter school's funding allocation from the local 12 school board , including the itemized costs of administrative or other services to be 13 provided [AND COSTS ASSIGNABLE] to the charter school [PROGRAM 14 BUDGET]; 15  (6) the method by which the charter school will account for receipts 16 and expenditures; 17  (7) the location and description of the facility; 18  (8) the name of the teacher, or teachers, who, by agreement between 19 the charter school and the teacher, will teach in the charter school; 20  (9) the teacher-to-student ratio; 21  (10) the number of students served; 22  (11) the term of the contract, not to exceed a term of 10 [FIVE] years; 23  (12) a termination clause providing that the contract may be terminated 24 by the local school board for the failure of the charter school to meet educational 25 achievement goals or fiscal management standards, or for other good cause; 26  (13) a statement that the charter school will comply with all state and 27 federal requirements for receipt and use of public money; 28  (14) a clause providing that the charter school's budget shall be 29 increased to reflect operating cost savings achieved by the charter school; in this 30 paragraph, "operating cost savings" means the estimated value of educational or 31 related services provided by the district to all schools in the district that are not

01 provided to the charter school; 02  (15) other requirements or exemptions agreed upon by the charter 03 school and the local school board. 04 * Sec. 3. AS 14.03.255(d) is amended to read: 05  (d) A charter school may be operated in an existing school district facility or 06 in a facility within the school district that is not currently being used as a public 07 school, if the chief school administrator determines the facility meets requirements for 08 health and safety applicable to public buildings or other public schools in the district. 09 * Sec. 4. AS 14.03.275 is amended to read: 10  Sec. 14.03.275. Contracts; duration. A contract for a charter school may be 11 for a term of no more than 10 [FIVE] years [AND MAY NOT EXTEND BEYOND 12 JULY 1, 2005]. 13 * Sec. 5. Section 9, ch. 77, SLA 1995, is repealed.