
SCS CSHB 50(FIN) AM S: "An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state government, for certain programs, and to capitalize funds; making appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date."

00SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 50(FIN) am S 01 "An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses 02 of state government, for certain programs, and to capitalize funds; making 03 appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, 04 from the constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective 05 date." 06 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 07 * Section 1. ALASKA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION. (a) The unexpended and 08 unobligated amount of Alaska Housing Finance Corporation unrestricted revenue available for 09 appropriation, as determined by the board of directors of the Alaska Housing Finance 10 Corporation in accordance with sec. 2(c) and (d), ch. 129, SLA 1998, for each of the 11 following fiscal years is appropriated to the Alaska debt retirement fund (AS 37.15.011): 12 (1) the fiscal year ending June 30, 1999; 13 (2) the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000. 14 (b) All unrestricted mortgage loan interest payments, mortgage loan commitment fees,

01 and all other unrestricted receipts received by or accrued to the Alaska Housing Finance 02 Corporation during fiscal year 2000 and all income earned on assets of the corporation during 03 that period are appropriated to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation to hold as corporate 04 receipts for the purposes described in AS 18.56. The corporation shall allocate its corporate 05 receipts among the Alaska housing finance revolving fund (AS 18.56.082), housing assistance 06 loan fund (AS 18.56.420), and senior housing revolving fund (AS 18.56.710) in accordance 07 with procedures adopted by the board of directors. 08 (c) The following amounts are appropriated to the Alaska Housing Finance 09 Corporation (AHFC) from the sources indicated and for the following purposes: 10 PURPOSE AMOUNT SOURCE 11 Housing loan programs $798,000,000 AHFC corporate receipts 12 not subsidized by AHFC 13 Housing loan programs 70,000,000 AHFC corporate receipts 14 and projects subsidized derived from arbitrage 15 by AHFC earnings 16 Housing assistance payments 16,000,000 Federal receipts 17 Section 8 program 18 (d) The sum of $17,444,000 from the available unrestricted cash in the general 19 account of the Alaska housing finance revolving fund (AS 18.56.082) is anticipated to be 20 transferred to the general fund during the fiscal year 2000 by the direction of the board of 21 directors of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. 22 * Sec. 2. ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY. The 23 sum of $18,000,000 from the available unrestricted cash in the Alaska Industrial Development 24 and Export Authority revolving fund (AS 44.88.060) is anticipated to be transferred to the 25 general fund as directed by the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority. The 26 transferred money shall be deposited in the general fund when received during fiscal year 27 2000. 28 * Sec. 3. ALASKA PERMANENT FUND CORPORATION. (a) The amount authorized 29 for transfer by the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation under AS 37.13.145(b) is appropriated 30 from the earnings reserve account (AS 37.13.145) to the dividend fund (AS 43.23.045(a)) for 31 the payment of permanent fund dividends and administrative and associated costs.

01 (b) After money is transferred to the dividend fund under (a) of this section, the 02 amount calculated under AS 37.13.145 to offset the effect of inflation on the principal of the 03 Alaska permanent fund is appropriated from the earnings reserve account (AS 37.13.145) to 04 the principal of the Alaska permanent fund. 05 (c) The amount required to be deposited under AS 37.13.010(a)(1) and (2) during 06 fiscal year 2000 is appropriated to the principal of the Alaska permanent fund in satisfaction 07 of that requirement. 08 (d) The interest earned during fiscal year 2000 on revenue from the sources set out 09 in AS 37.13.010 while the revenue is held in trust, escrow, or otherwise before receipt by the 10 state is appropriated to the principal of the Alaska permanent fund. 11 * Sec. 4. ALASKA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The unexpended and 12 unobligated balance on June 30, 1999, of the Alaska Public Utilities Commission receipts 13 account for regulatory cost charges under AS 42.05.254 and AS 42.06.286 for fiscal year 1999 14 is included in the amount appropriated in sec. 43 of this Act to the Alaska Public Utilities 15 Commission for fiscal year 2000 expenditures. 16 * Sec. 5. ALASKA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION. The unexpended 17 and unobligated balance in the Alaska science and technology endowment earnings reserve 18 on June 30, 1999, is appropriated to the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation to award 19 as grants under AS 37.17.030(d) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000. 20 * Sec. 6. ALASKA SEAFOOD MARKETING INSTITUTE. (a) An amount equal to the 21 unexpended and unobligated balance on June 30, 1999, of the fiscal year 1999 general fund 22 receipts from the salmon marketing tax (AS 43.76.110) and from the seafood marketing 23 assessment (AS 16.51.120) is appropriated to the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute for 24 marketing Alaska seafood products during fiscal year 2000. 25 (b) An amount equal to the fiscal year 2000 general fund receipts from the salmon 26 marketing tax (AS 43.76.110), from the seafood marketing assessment (AS 16.51.120), and 27 from other program receipts is appropriated to the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute for 28 marketing Alaska seafood products during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000. 29 * Sec. 7. DISASTER RELIEF. Federal receipts received for disaster relief are appropriated 30 to the disaster relief fund (AS 26.23.300). 31 * Sec. 8. FEDERAL AND OTHER PROGRAM RECEIPTS. (a) If federal or other

01 program receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146 exceed the estimates appropriated by this Act, 02 the appropriations from state funds for the affected program may be reduced by the excess if 03 the reductions are consistent with applicable federal statutes. 04 (b) If federal or other program receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146 fall short of the 05 estimates appropriated by this Act, the affected appropriation is reduced by the amount of the 06 shortfall in receipts. 07 * Sec. 9. FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE FUNDS. (a) The United States Congress 08 appropriated $11,000,000 to the United States Department of the Interior and the United States 09 Department of Agriculture for the State of Alaska contingent upon the Alaska State 10 Legislature adopting a constitutional amendment for ratification by Alaska voters to allow a 11 rural subsistence priority. The full $11,000,000 appropriated by the Congress is available to 12 the state if the legislature satisfies the contingency by June 1, 1999. If the contingency is 13 satisfied after June 1, 1999, but by September 30, 1999, the sum of $10,000,000 will be 14 available to the state. 15 (b) If the federal contingency requirement described in (a) of this section is satisfied 16 by June 1, 1999, the sum of $11,000,000 is appropriated from federal receipts to the 17 Department of Fish and Game to help implement a unified subsistence management system 18 and to provide support for the Board of Fisheries, Board of Game, regional advisory councils, 19 and local advisory committees in that effort. The appropriation made by this subsection is 20 allocated as follows: 21 Support to the Board of Fisheries, Board of Game, 22  regional advisory councils, and local advisory 23  committees $3,000,000 24 Biological research, monitoring, and management to 25  ensure sustained yield and to improve utilization 26  of fish and game for subsistence, commercial, 27  and sport purposes 8,000,000 28 (c) If the federal contingency requirement described in (a) of this section is satisfied 29 after June 1, 1999, but by September 30, 1999, the sum of $10,000,000 is appropriated from 30 federal receipts to the Department of Fish and Game to help implement a unified subsistence 31 management system and to provide support for the Board of Fisheries, Board of Game,

01 regional advisory councils, and local advisory committees in that effort. The appropriation 02 made by this subsection is allocated as follows: 03 Support to the Board of Fisheries, Board of Game, 04  regional advisory councils, and local advisory 05  committees $2,725,000 06 Biological research, monitoring, and management to 07  ensure sustained yield and to improve utilization 08  of fish and game for subsistence, commercial, 09  and sport purposes 7,275,000 10 * Sec. 10. FISH AND GAME ENFORCEMENT. (a) To increase enforcement of the fish 11 and game laws of the state, the amount deposited in the general fund during the fiscal year 12 ending June 30, 1999, from criminal fines, penalties, and forfeitures imposed for violation of 13 AS 16 and its implementing regulations and from the sale of forfeited property or alternative 14 damages collected under AS 16.05.195 is appropriated to the fish and game fund 15 (AS 16.05.100). 16 (b) Appropriations totaling the estimated amount of the deposits described in (a) of 17 this section are made in sec. 43 of this Act to the Department of Public Safety and the 18 Department of Law for increased enforcement, investigation, and prosecution of state fish and 19 game laws. If the receipts appropriated to the fish and game fund (AS 16.05.100) from the 20 sources described in (a) of this section during fiscal year 2000 fall short of the estimates 21 appropriated by this Act, each department's appropriation set out in sec. 43 of this Act is 22 reduced proportionately. 23 * Sec. 11. FOUR DAM POOL TRANSFER FUND. The amount available in the four dam 24 pool transfer fund (AS 42.45.050) during fiscal year 2000 is appropriated to the following 25 funds in the following percentages for the purposes set out in AS 42.45.050: 26 Power cost equalization and rural electric 40 percent 27 capitalization fund (AS 42.45.100) 28 Southeast energy fund (AS 42.45.040) 40 percent 29 Power project fund (AS 42.45.010) 20 percent 30 * Sec. 12. INFORMATION SERVICES FUND. The sum of $55,000 is appropriated to 31 the information services fund (AS 44.21.045) for the Department of Administration,

01 information technology group programs, from designated program receipts of the information 02 technology group. 03 * Sec. 13. INSURANCE AND BOND CLAIMS. (a) The amount necessary to fund the 04 uses of the state insurance catastrophe reserve account described in AS 37.05.289(a) is 05 appropriated from that account to the Department of Administration for those uses. 06 (b) Amounts equivalent to the amounts to be received in settlement of claims against 07 bonds guaranteeing the reclamation of state land are appropriated from the general fund to the 08 agency secured by the bond for the purpose of reclaiming state land affected by a use covered 09 by the bond. 10 * Sec. 14. INSURANCE FEES. The unexpended and unobligated balance on June 30, 11 1999, of the Department of Commerce and Economic Development, division of insurance, 12 general fund program receipts from insurance fees under AS 21.06.250 and general fund 13 program receipts from insurance fees under AS 21.06.250 received during the fiscal year 14 ending June 30, 2000, and other program receipts received by the division during the fiscal 15 year ending June 30, 2000, are appropriated to the Department of Commerce and Economic 16 Development, division of insurance, for operating costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 17 2000. 18 * Sec. 15. LAND DISPOSAL. General fund receipts in the fiscal years ending June 30, 19 2000, and June 30, 2001, from the following land sales in the following amounts are 20 appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for land sale preparation costs for the 21 fiscal years ending June 30, 2000, and June 30, 2001: 22 (1) an amount not to exceed $50,000 from land sales in the new commercial 23 industrial subdivision at Naukati Bay on Prince of Wales Island; 24 (2) an amount not to exceed $200,000 from land sales of residential and 25 recreational parcels at Vallenar Bay on Gravina Island. 26 * Sec. 16. MARINE HIGHWAY SYSTEM FUND. The sum of $27,129,500 is 27 appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska marine highway system fund (AS 19.65.060). 28 * Sec. 17. MEDICAID SCHOOL BASED CLAIM. If the federal receipts for the School 29 Based Services Administrative Claim under 42 U.S.C. 1396a (Sec. 1902(a)(4), Title XIX of 30 the Social Security Act) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, fall short of the estimate, 31 the amount of the shortfall is appropriated from the general fund.

01 * Sec. 18. MOTOR FUEL TAX. The following estimated amounts from the unreserved 02 special accounts in the general fund are included within the general fund amounts appropriated 03 by this Act: 04 Special highway fuel tax account (AS 43.40.010(g)) $23,924,500 05 Special aviation fuel tax account (AS 43.40.010(e)) 5,400,000 06 * Sec. 19. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING. The unexpended and unobligated balance on 07 June 30, 1999, of the Department of Commerce and Economic Development, division of 08 occupational licensing, general fund program receipts from occupational licensing fees under 09 AS 08.01.065, general fund program receipts received from occupational licensing fees under 10 AS 08.01.065 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, and other program receipts received 11 by the division during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, are appropriated to the 12 Department of Commerce and Economic Development, division of occupational licensing, for 13 operating costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000. 14 * Sec. 20. OIL AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE RELEASE PREVENTION 15 ACCOUNT. The following amounts are appropriated to the oil and hazardous substance 16 release prevention account (AS 46.08.010(a)(1)) in the oil and hazardous substance release 17 prevention and response fund (AS 46.08.010) from the sources indicated: 18 (1) the balance of the oil and hazardous substance release prevention mitigation 19 account (AS 46.08.020(b)) in the general fund on July 1, 1999, not otherwise appropriated by 20 this Act; 21 (2) the amount collected for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1999, estimated 22 to be $10,900,000, from the surcharge levied under AS 43.55.300. 23 * Sec. 21. OIL AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE RELEASE RESPONSE ACCOUNT. 24 The following amounts are appropriated to the oil and hazardous substance release response 25 account (AS 46.08.010(a)(2)) in the oil and hazardous substance release prevention and 26 response fund (AS 46.08.010) from the following sources: 27 (1) the balance of the oil and hazardous substance release response mitigation 28 account (AS 46.08.025(b)) in the general fund on July 1, 1999, not otherwise appropriated by 29 this Act; 30 (2) the amount collected for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1999, from the 31 surcharge levied under AS 43.55.201.

01 * Sec. 22. REAL ESTATE SURETY FUND. The balance of the real estate surety fund 02 (AS 08.88.450) on June 30, 1998, that exceeds $500,000 is appropriated to the Department 03 of Commerce and Economic Development, division of occupational licensing, for the fiscal 04 year ending June 30, 2000, for purposes relating to the real estate surety fund. 05 * Sec. 23. RETAINED FEES. The amount retained to compensate the collector or trustee 06 of fees, licenses, taxes, or other money belonging to the state during the fiscal year ending 07 June 30, 2000, is appropriated for that purpose to the agency authorized by law to generate 08 the revenue. 09 * Sec. 24. SAFETY ADVISORY COUNCIL. The amount appropriated for the 1999 10 annual governor's safety conference (sec. 20, ch. 137, SLA 1998), plus the fiscal year 1999 11 program receipts of the Alaska Safety Advisory Council (AS 18.60.830), less the amount 12 expended or obligated for the 1999 annual governor's safety conference, is appropriated from 13 general fund program receipts to the Alaska Safety Advisory Council for costs of the 2000 14 annual governor's safety conference. 15 * Sec. 25. SALARY AND BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS. (a) The operating budget 16 appropriations made to the University of Alaska in sec. 43 of this Act include amounts to 17 implement the monetary terms of the collective bargaining agreements listed in (b) of this 18 section and for salary and benefit adjustments for university employees who are not members 19 of a collective bargaining unit. 20 (b) Funding for the following collective bargaining agreements is included in the 21 appropriations made to the University of Alaska in sec. 43 of this Act: 22 Alaska Classified Employees Association, representing certain employees of the University of Alaska; 23 Alaska Community College Federation of Teachers, representing certain 24 employees of the University of Alaska; 25 United Academics, representing certain employees of the University of Alaska; 26 United Academics-Adjuncts, representing certain employees of the University of Alaska. 27 (c) The operating budget appropriations made in sec. 43 of this Act to the University 28 of Alaska include any increase or decrease caused by changes to the Public Employees' 29 Retirement System or Teachers' Retirement System contribution rates. 30 * Sec. 26. SALMON ENHANCEMENT TAX. The salmon enhancement tax collected 31 under AS 43.76.010 - 43.76.030 in calendar year 1998 and deposited in the general fund under

01 AS 43.76.025(c) is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Commerce and 02 Economic Development for payment in fiscal year 2000 to qualified regional associations 03 operating within a region designated under AS 16.10.375. 04 * Sec. 27. SHARED TAXES AND FEES. The amount necessary to refund to local 05 governments their share of taxes and fees collected in the listed fiscal years under the 06 following programs is appropriated to the Department of Revenue from the general fund for 07 payment in fiscal year 2000: 08 REVENUE SOURCE FISCAL YEAR COLLECTED 09 fisheries taxes (AS 43.75) 1999 10 fishery resource landing tax (AS 43.77) 1999 11 aviation fuel tax (AS 43.40.010) 2000 12 electric and telephone cooperative tax (AS 10.25.570) 2000 13 liquor license fee (AS 04.11) 2000 14 * Sec. 28. STATE DEBT AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS. (a) The amount required to pay 15 interest on revenue anticipation notes issued by the commissioner of revenue under AS 43.08 16 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Revenue for payment of the 17 interest on those notes. 18 (b) The amount required to be paid by the state for principal and interest on all issued 19 and outstanding state-guaranteed bonds is appropriated from the general fund to the state bond 20 committee for payment of principal and interest on those bonds. 21 (c) The sum of $4,605,230 is appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska debt 22 retirement fund (AS 37.15.011). 23 (d) The sum of $16,287,779 is appropriated from the Alaska debt retirement fund 24 (AS 37.15.011) to the state bond committee for trustee fees and lease payments relating to 25 certificates of participation issued for real property. 26 (e) The sum of $2,517,957 is appropriated from the Alaska debt retirement fund 27 (AS 37.15.011) to the state bond committee for payment of debt service and trustee fees on 28 state general obligation bonds. 29 (f) The sum of $2,877,508 is appropriated from the International Airports Revenue 30 Fund (AS 37.15.430) to the state bond committee for payment of debt service and trustee fees 31 on outstanding international airports revenue bonds.

01 (g) The sum of $71,923,300 is appropriated to the Department of Education for state 02 aid for costs of school construction under AS 14.11.100 from the following sources: 03 Alaska debt retirement fund (AS 37.15.011) $26,258,600 04 School fund (AS 43.50.140) 45,664,700 05 * Sec. 29. STATE TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. The lapsing balance 06 of the employment assistance and training program account (AS 23.15.625) on June 30, 1999, 07 is appropriated to the employment assistance and training program account for the fiscal year 08 ending June 30, 2000. 09 * Sec. 30. STATUTORY BUDGET RESERVE FUND. If the unrestricted state revenue 10 available for appropriation in fiscal year 2000 is insufficient to cover the general fund 11 appropriations made for fiscal year 2000, the amount necessary to balance revenue and general 12 fund appropriations is appropriated to the general fund from the budget reserve fund 13 (AS 37.05.540). 14 * Sec. 31. STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM. The amount from student loan borrowers of 15 the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education that is assessed for loan origination fees 16 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, is appropriated to the origination fee account 17 (AS 14.43.120(u)) within the student loan fund of the Alaska Student Loan Corporation for 18 the purposes specified in AS 14.43.120(u). 19 * Sec. 32. TEACHER CERTIFICATION. The unexpended and unobligated balance on 20 June 30, 1999, of the Department of Education, teacher certification general fund program 21 receipts from certification fees under AS 14.20.020(c) is included in the amount appropriated 22 in sec. 43 of this Act to the Department of Education, teacher certification, for operating costs 23 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000. 24 * Sec. 33. TEST FISHERY RECEIPTS. The unexpended and unobligated amount of 25 commercial fisheries test fishing operations receipts (AS 37.05.146(b)(4)(U)) from the harvest 26 and sale of crab for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1999, are appropriated to the Department 27 of Fish and Game for operations of the shellfish onboard observer program in the division of 28 commercial fisheries management and development for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000. 29 * Sec. 34. VALUE-ADDED TIMBER SALES. An amount not to exceed $250,000 is 30 appropriated from general fund receipts generated in the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000, 31 and June 30, 2001, from value-added timber sales in Southeast Alaska and in the Tanana

01 Valley to the Department of Natural Resources for costs of preparing and administering those 02 value-added timber sales, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000, and June 30, 2001. 03 * Sec. 35. M/V MALASPINA. The amount of the gross revenue generated by the operation 04 of the M/V Malaspina during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, and deposited into the 05 Alaska marine highway system fund (AS 19.65.060) is appropriated from the Alaska marine 06 highway system fund to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Alaska marine 07 highway system, for M/V Malaspina vessel operations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 08 2000. 09 * Sec. 36. CONSTITUTIONAL BUDGET RESERVE FUND. (a) Amounts equal to the 10 deposits in the budget reserve fund (art. IX, sec. 17, Constitution of the State of Alaska) for 11 fiscal year 1999 that were made from subfunds and accounts other than the operating general 12 fund (state accounting system fund number 11100) by operation of art. IX, sec. 17(d), 13 Constitution of the State of Alaska, to repay appropriations from the budget reserve fund are 14 appropriated from the budget reserve fund to the subfunds and accounts from which they were 15 transferred. 16 (b) If the unrestricted state revenue available for appropriation in fiscal year 2000 is 17 insufficient to cover the general fund appropriations made for fiscal year 2000, the amount 18 necessary to balance revenue and general fund appropriations, not to exceed $1,010,000,000, 19 is appropriated to the general fund from the budget reserve fund (art. IX, sec. 17, Constitution 20 of the State of Alaska). 21 (c) The appropriations in (a) and (b) of this section are made under art. IX, sec. 17(c), 22 Constitution of the State of Alaska. 23 * Sec. 37. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA. The unexpended and unobligated balance on June 24 30, 1999, of the general funds appropriated by sec. 31, ch. 137, SLA 1998, page 26, lines 6 - 25 14 (K - 12 Support - $730,760,700), not to exceed $1,000,000, is reappropriated to the 26 University of Alaska for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, to offset unallocated budget 27 reductions contained in the amount appropriated to the University of Alaska in sec. 43 of this 28 Act. 29 * Sec. 38. DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES. The unexpended and unobligated balance 30 on June 30, 1999, of general funds appropriated by sec. 31, ch. 137, SLA 1998, page 26, lines 31 6 - 14 (K - 12 Support - $730,760,700), not to exceed $350,000, is reappropriated to the

01 division of motor vehicles for the year ending June 30, 2000, to offset unallocated budget 02 reductions contained in the amount appropriated to the division of motor vehicles in sec. 43 03 of this Act. 04 * Sec. 39. TOBACCO CESSATION. The sum of $1,400,000 is appropriated from tobacco 05 settlement funds to the Department of Health and Social Services for payment as a grant under 06 AS 37.05.316 to the Alaska Tobacco Control Alliance for a tobacco cessation, prevention, and 07 control program. 08 * Sec. 40. LAPSE DATE. The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation 09 made by sec. 9(b) or (c) of this Act lapses June 30, 2001. 10 * Sec. 41. NONLAPSE OF APPROPRIATIONS. The appropriations made by secs. 1, 7, 11 10(a), 11, 12, 16, 20, 21, 28(c), 29, and 31 of this Act are for the capitalization of funds and 12 do not lapse. 13 * Sec. 42. RETROACTIVITY. (a) The appropriation made by sec. 22 of this Act is 14 retroactive to June 30, 1998. 15 (b) The appropriation made by sec. 1(a)(1) of this Act is retroactive to June 30, 1999. 16 (SECTION 43 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 16)