
CSHB 210(HES): "An Act relating to employment of chief school administrators."

00CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 210(HES) 01 "An Act relating to employment of chief school administrators." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 14.03.120(d) is amended to read: 04  (d) Each public school shall, by May 31 of each year, prepare a report on the 05 school's performance and the performance of the school's students. The report shall 06 be presented to parents, students, and community members at a public meeting [AND 07 FORWARDED TO THE CHIEF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR OF THE DISTRICT]. 08 * Sec. 2. AS 14.08.101 is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: 09  (11) employ a chief school administrator if there are at least 1,000 10 students in average daily membership in the district; a district that does not meet the 11 minimum average daily membership requirement of this paragraph may employ a chief 12 school administrator if the district shares the services of the chief school administrator 13 with another district and the combined average daily membership of the districts meets 14 the minimum average daily membership requirement of this paragraph; in this

01 paragraph, "average daily membership" has the meaning given in AS 14.17.250. 02 * Sec. 3. AS 14.08.111(3) is amended to read: 03  (3) [EMPLOY A CHIEF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR AND] approve 04 the employment of the professional administrators, teachers, and noncertificated 05 personnel necessary to operate its schools; 06 * Sec. 4. AS 14.14.130(a) is amended to read: 07  (a) Each school board may [SHALL] select and employ a qualified person as 08 the chief school administrator for the district if the district has at least 1,000 students 09 in average daily membership in the district. A district that does not meet the 10 minimum average daily membership requirement of this subsection may employ 11 a chief school administrator if the district shares the services of the chief school 12 administrator with another district and the combined average daily membership 13 of the districts meets the minimum average daily membership requirement of this 14 subsection. In this subsection, 15  (1) "average daily membership" has the meaning given in 16 AS 14.17.250; and 17  (2) "employ" includes employment by contract. 18 * Sec. 5. AS 14.14.130(b) is amended to read: 19  (b) If the district employs a [THE] chief school administrator, the 20 administrator [OF THE DISTRICT] shall administer the district in accordance with 21 the policies that [WHICH] the school board prescribes by bylaw. 22 * Sec. 6. AS 14.14.130(c) is amended to read: 23  (c) If the district employs a [THE] chief school administrator, the 24 administrator shall select, appoint, and otherwise control all school district employees 25 that serve under the chief school administrator subject to the approval of the school 26 board. 27 * Sec. 7. AS 14.16.020 is amended to read: 28  Sec. 14.16.020. OPERATION OF STATE BOARDING SCHOOL. In the 29 management of the state boarding school, the board shall 30  (1) adopt a philosophy of education for the state boarding school; 31  (2) [EMPLOY A CHIEF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR AND] approve

01 the employment of [OTHER] personnel necessary to operate the state boarding school; 02  (3) establish the salaries and benefits to be paid teachers, excluding 03 administrators, of the state boarding school; 04  (4) designate the employees authorized to direct disbursements from the 05 money appropriated for the operation of the state boarding school and for the 06 construction of its facilities; 07  (5) provide custodial services and routine maintenance of the state 08 boarding school's physical facilities; 09  (6) establish procedures for the development and implementation of 10 curriculum and the selection and use of textbooks and instructional materials at the 11 state boarding school; 12  (7) prescribe health evaluation and placement screening programs for 13 newly admitted students; 14  (8) establish procedures for staff evaluation; and 15  (9) provide staff training. 16 * Sec. 8. AS 14.20.025 is amended to read: 17  Sec. 14.20.025. OTHER TEACHER CERTIFICATES. Notwithstanding 18 AS 14.20.020(b), a person may be issued a limited certificate, valid only in the area 19 of expertise for which it is issued, to teach Alaska Native language or culture, military 20 science, or a vocational or technical course for which the board determines by 21 regulation that baccalaureate degree training is not sufficiently available. A limited 22 certificate may be issued under this section only if the school board of the district or 23 regional educational attendance area in which the person will be teaching, through the 24 chief school administrator or directly to the department if a chief school 25 administrator is not employed, has requested its issuance. A person who applies for 26 a limited certificate shall demonstrate, as required by regulations adopted by the board, 27 instructional skills and subject matter expertise sufficient to ensure the public that the 28 person is competent as a teacher. The board may require a person issued a limited 29 certificate to undertake academic training as may be required by the board by 30 regulation and make satisfactory progress in the academic training. 31 * Sec. 9. AS 14.20.147(a) is amended to read:

01  (a) When an attendance area is transferred from a currently operating district 02 to, or absorbed into, a new or existing school district, the teachers for the attendance 03 area also shall be transferred unless otherwise mutually agreed by the teacher or 04 teachers and the chief school administrator of the new district if the district employs 05 a chief school administrator. Accumulated or earned benefits, including but not 06 limited to, seniority, salary level, tenure, leave, and retirement, accompany the teacher 07 who is transferred. 08 * Sec. 10. AS 14.20.148 is amended to read: 09  Sec. 14.20.148. INTRADISTRICT TEACHER REASSIGNMENTS. When a 10 teacher is involuntarily transferred or reassigned to a position for which the teacher is 11 qualified, within the district, the teacher's moving expenses shall be paid unless the 12 one-way driving distance is 20 miles or less from the teacher's present place of 13 residence, or unless otherwise mutually agreed by the teacher and chief school 14 administrator of the district if the district employs a chief school administrator. 15 * Sec. 11. AS 14.16.050(a)(1)(G) is repealed.