
HB 197: "An Act making an appropriation to the Alyeska Settlement Fund and making appropriations from the Alyeska Settlement Fund; and providing for an effective date."

00HOUSE BILL NO. 197 01 "An Act making an appropriation to the Alyeska Settlement Fund and making 02 appropriations from the Alyeska Settlement Fund; and providing for an effective 03 date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. The interest of the State of Alaska in the money received by the state under 06 the Agreement and Consent Decree in IN RE: The EXXON VALDEZ, United States District 07 Court, District of Alaska, case No. A89-095 Civil (Consolidated)(Re: case No. A92-175 Civil, 08 decree entered November 25, 1992), is appropriated to the Alyeska Settlement Fund. 09 * Sec. 2. The sum of $20,500,000 is appropriated from the Alyeska Settlement Fund to the 10 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities and is allocated for the following projects 11 in the amounts listed: 12 PROJECT ALLOCATION 13 Construction of oil spill response equipment 14 storage facilities and docks at Tatitlek

01 and Chenega; acquisition of oil spill 02 response equipment for prepositioning at 03 Tatitlek and Chenega $14,500,000 04 Construction of road from Cordova to Shepard 05 Point; construction of oil spill response equipment 06 storage facilities at Shepard Point; acquisition of 07 oil spill response equipment for prepositioning at 08 Shepard Point 6,000,000. 09 * Sec. 3. The sum of $7,500,000 is appropriated from the Alyeska Settlement Fund to the 10 Department of Natural Resources for the purchase of the inholdings of the Seldovia Native 11 Association and of the Timber Trading Company, within the Kachemak Bay State Park as 12 identified in the Preliminary Exchange Agreement dated June 30, 1989, as amended as of the 13 effective date of this Act, between the state, the Seldovia Native Association, and the Timber 14 Trading Company; and for the purchase of the inholdings of the Cook Inlet Region, Inc., 15 within Kachemak Bay State Park. 16 * Sec. 4. The sum of $200,000 is appropriated from the Alyeska Settlement Fund to the 17 Department of Environmental Conservation for the acquisition and installation of 18 communications equipment at the Valdez Emergency Operations Center. 19 * Sec. 5. In this Act, "Alyeska Settlement Fund" means the fund or account established in 20 the state treasury for the purpose of receiving, holding, and disbursing the settlement proceeds 21 received by the state under the Agreement and Consent Decree in IN RE: The EXXON 22 VALDEZ, United States District Court, District of Alaska, case No. A89-095 Civil 23 (Consolidated)(Re: case No. A92-175 Civil, decree entered November 25, 1992). 24 * Sec. 6. The appropriations made by this Act are for capital projects and lapse under 25 AS 37.25.020. 26 * Sec. 7. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).